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Guides and Support
Capture evidence, link to criteria or standards
Create an Assessment
Add Criteria to Assessment
Assessment Grading
Unlock Assessment
Delete Assessments
Why can't I unlock an Assessment
Create Assessment Methods
Why can't I see a specific Assessment Method?
What are the dotted lines around the assessment?
Invite an Assessor to an Assessment
View all (13)
Assessment Evidence
Attach evidence to assessments
What's the maximum file upload size?
Upload evidence without attaching to an Assessment
Annotate Assessment evidence
Importing a Word document into the Evidence section
What file types can be uploaded to OneFile Eportfolio?
Assessment Templates
Creating Assessment Templates
Assigning Assessment Templates
What's the difference between Assessment Templates and Plan Templates?
Why can't I see the Assessment Template icon?
Promoting templates
Enable Assessment Templates in the Eportfolio app
Employers and Witnesses
Create an Assessment as an Employer
Allow Employers to Start Assessments
What is an Expert Witness and what they are used for?
Create Expert Witness
Assigning an Expert Witness to an Assessment