Scheduled Maintenance - 21st September 2024 7am - 9am

We're carrying out some maintenance to our Products on the above date and time.

Please ensure you have saved any work and have logged out prior to 7am to avoid any potential loss of data.

Software Update: Thursday 19th September 2024 7am - 7:30am

On Wednesday, we're updating OneFile Eportfolio, to introduce a new enhancement.  

Please ensure all data is saved and your Eportfolio account is logged out before 7am to avoid any data loss.

Release notes can be found here.

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Create Assessment Methods

  User Roles

This feature can be used by the following user roles:

  • Centre Manager

To create a new assessment method follow the steps below:

  1. Click Quality in the navigation menu
  2. Click Assessment Methods
  3. Click Create new method
  4. Enter an assessment method Reference (abbreviations work best)
  5. Enter the Method Description
  6. Configure the rest of the assessment method settings based on the table below
  7. Click Save
Assessment Method SettingDescription
Assessment Answer TypeNormal: Evidence can be holistic or per-criteria

Written Questions: the Assessor will need to select a bank of questions from a Plan

Typed Oral Questions: The Assessor types the question asked and the answer provided by the learner
Support Method Only (non-Assessment)Support Methods appear towards the top of an assessment and can be used to show how the learner was supported during the assessment.
Learner Can Start
When enabled, Learners can start assessments of this method and upload their evidence. Leave this checkbox unticked if you only want Assessors to create assessments of this method and upload the evidence.
New Class InheritsWhen enabled, this method will automatically be selected when creating a new Class.
Override CriteriaWhen enabled, assessments of this method will override the consistency rules, allowing the criteria to reach 100% without reaching the required number of assessments. 
Expert/ WitnessWhen enabled, a drop-down list containing the expert/ witnesses appears at the top of the assesment. Experts/ witnesses can be created via the "Manage" tab on the learner's portfolio page.
Employer Must Sign Before AssessorWhen enabled, the learner's Default Employer will be sent a task to sign all assessments of this assessment after the learner signs. This doesn't apply to Assessor started assessments.
IV Sampling ColourThis is used to make it easy to visually identify which assessment methods have been planned/actually sampled on the IV Sampling Table.

New Methods

New Methods must be assigned to the class.


Please note that the terminology used in this article may be different depending on your Centre.

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