Important Update

Support for the old OneFile Eportfolio app (yellow icon) ends on 28th February 2025. To avoid losing access or data, please ensure the app has synced, then uninstall it and download the new OneFile Eportfolio app (blue icon) from the Google Play or Apple App Store. 

 Find out more here: OneFile : Important: Action Required - Update to OneFile Eportfolio App

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Which OneFile role is best for external auditors?

This guide is to support your choice of access options for quality auditors, such as ESFA or Ofsted inspectors

Here are the three user-roles for allowing access to your centre:

EQA Centre Monitor Observer

An EQA has interactive access to the learner portfolios. Access to portfolios can be assigned to individual learners or in bulk via the allocations tab.

EQAs can:

  • View the learner portfolio
  • View learner progress and OTJ data
  • Sample Assessments and Evidence
  • Access reports on the learner's the have access to
  • View Unit Sampling for the learner's the have access to
  • EQAs have one login/account, even when they have access to multiple organisations in OneFile
  • It's easy to assign an EQA to individual learners, or mulitple learners in bulk
  • There's a permission to prevent EQAs from accessing Centre Resources

  • EQAs need to be created by OneFile staff
  • There's no ability to restrict what an EQA can see on a portfolio

Guidance on creating users can be accessed here.  

Once access has been granted, it's important that you consider the following points:

  • Check the group permissions to ensure the relevant permissions are activated/deactivated
  • Remove access following the audit by suspending the auditor's account
  • You can report on an auditor's activity in the activity report


Please note that the terminology used in this article may be different depending on your Centre.

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