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Assign users to Learner’s portfolio

  User Roles

This feature can be used by the following user roles:

  • Centre Manager
  • User Managers
  • Internal Quality Assurer with permission
  • Assessor with permission


Manage learner accounts

To assign a Assessor, IQA, Employer, Observer or External Verifiers to a learner's portfolio follow the steps below:

  1. Locate or search for the Learner
    1. To assign an Assessor, click the Assessors button
    2. To assign an IV or EV, click the IVs/ EVs button
    3. To assign an Employer or Observer, click the Account and then the Access Accounts tab
  2. Select the user you would like to assign
  3. Click Save


Please note that the terminology used in this article may be different depending on your Centre.

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