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The apprenticeship financial record date must not be more than one year before the start of the apprenticeship programme

If you receive the above error when running a learner through the FIS within OneFile ILR, we advise following the steps below:

  1. Log into to ILR
  2. Click Learners
  3. Search for learner
  4. Click on Learner record
  5. Click Learning Delivery
  6. Click Edit details on Programme Aim
  7. Click Funding and Monitoring
  8. Click on ACT record
  9. Add  Date To
  10. Click Update

The ACT date from needs to be added to match the learner start date on the programme aim

  Further information

This article is for guidance only and you should always  refer to the ESFA ILR documents for further information on LARs codes

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