Covered in this webinar:
- Using Custom Forms for internal audit
- Audit Reports:
- Gap Analysis
- Feedback & Comments
- Off-the-job
- Tasks by User
- Unit Progress Matrix
- Teaching & Learning Plans
- Activity Log
- Learner Database
good ladies and gentlemen welcome to
another sets of onboarding training
webinars here from one file my name is
Jake I'll be your presenter for today
I'm actually the onboarding project
specialist here at one file so basically
I work with the onboarding theme to help
those guys get organized then we go
ahead and create brand new user guides
of written and video and webinars and
everything in between
cuz that's pretty much what you're
boarding team has been put together for
it to better equip our users with the
resources and knowledge that they need
to effectively use one file ok so we've
been busy creating like I said lots of
use guides written and video lots of
webinars and in fact all this stuff that
we have been creating we've been popping
on one easy web page okay so before we
have to jump into today or two to
quickly bring your guys attention over
to this wonderful onboarding page so
again if you've not been introduced to
the team then perhaps you haven't seen
this webpage either it's anything that
we've been creating that's been going on
to this page it isn't attached to the
main website we have been sending it out
there your email and stuff so just in
case you want to visit this page later
on I will drop the URL into the chat ok
so one of the things we have been
focusing on is these live training
webinars ok but we've recently had a
break and we took a couple of weeks out
so we could collect all the feedback we
could review all the sessions that we
were running and with a handful of new
sessions so to begin with I thought
would show what webinars we have run in
between now and Christmas ok and again
for those who are unaware we also record
these sessions we only record one
version of each type of webinar so to
speak so please do allow a couple of
weeks before we find these new ones on
this area but you will find them in
there ok so have a look at what we've
got running between now and Christmas ok
we still have the main sense manager
sessions running both in intermediate
and advanced difficulties we still have
this session that focuses on the reports
and sweet within one file
we now have the full range of tutor
sessions so starting with foundation
movements immediate and ending with
advanced features and products the
nuances of highlights there would be
individual learning plans progress
reviews and we've got a new and updated
creating teach and learning plan session
for the users we've still got likes of
iq8 learners and employers and we've got
a brand new type of webinar as well one
of these were actually delivering today
ok so we've also built sessions to focus
on the length of planning your
curriculum of intent within one file
what to prepare for audit and compliance
and how to prepare for Ofsted
inspections ok so please do have a look
at this page epic on sit as many
webinars as you'd like we'd love to see
you all join okay but back to today's
session where we are looking at I want
to prepare for audit and complaints
using the existing set of features and
tools within one file Before we jump
straight into that though that is some
housekeeping to get out the way first so
somewhere on your screen usually
anchored right there should be a go to
webinar panel few features on this panel
one that may interest you the most is
questions so to any point around today's
session you have any questions comments
or concerns then please do feel free to
pop it into the questions box however it
will be the end of the sessions which we
have a look at these as far today's
session I'll probably run for around 20
through 25 minutes and then any time you
have left at the end there will be used
to answer your questions and find that
we also have feedback surveys so at the
end of today's session whether you guys
leave or whether I end it from my side
you should be presented with a feedback
survey in your usual internet browser
we'd greatly appreciate that it sounds
complete that survey shouldn't that you
more than 30 seconds to complete however
it's something around five multiple
choice questions but yeah greatly helped
and that's kind of the feedback that we
use then determine you know which
sessions you guys found and useful and
then perhaps ones that we need to look
at and amend
okay let me sing one final check and
make sure that everything's running okay
from this side before we go ahead and
jump in
Kailas like everything is good so what's
a pair for audit and compliance okay
it's quite a large subject and of course
each census internal ditz may be
different each census of a compliance
requirements may be different the sort
of inspection that mean planning or
pairing for of course may differ from
center the center as well so the things
are actually going to cover in today's
session is using some of those existing
features they're perhaps more bespoke
ones such as push them forms and how
these can help with your own internal
audit and then of course there's lots
and lots of rapport so I've gone away
I've spoken to the success manager team
and so these are like the or account
manager so to speak the guys that look
after your centers they'll probably be
the ones who conduct training as well so
as well to those to find out what the
best things are that they've been using
and speaking to their centers with in
regards to preparing for orders so
they've highlighted a handful report I
fit to an full report we're going to go
through them together and explain why
these are useful for various amounts of
reasons okay so let's go ahead let's get
rid of the presentation and let's jump
into one file
let me logged in yep I just go ahead and
pour some ice cream while sedusa okay so
we will be hosting today from a sense of
managers perspective okay it's the
center manager that has access to okay I
guess a lot of the auditing tools if you
like all the features that could be used
for that purpose of course reports in
general everyone has access to those
it's turned on which user all the a
depends on which reports they have
access to okay so what kind of things
and would we expect to cover up hair
when it comes to auditing well of course
it very much depends on what you've been
audited on it may be an internal audit
okay where you're you guys have sent
some managers perhaps someone higher up
has requests that internal artist take
place to make sure that a certain
standard is are kept within your
delivery you may also have things that
you guys are working on from
say a recent Ofsted inspection and again
you wanted to put things in place to
make sure that you're always striving to
sort of make those improvements and as
suggested by Ofsted okay so we're gonna
start by looking at some reports a lot
of today will be based on polls for just
highlighting certain ones okay so we're
gonna jump into the reporting street
through the left-hand menu here okay so
the first aspect that we thought would
cover today is the likes of progress how
come you guys as center managers oversee
progress make sure that learners are not
falling behind and allowing you guys to
monitor and maintain from that overseer
level if you like from that top admin
level okay so there's a couple of course
that really help with this and the first
one we're going to see today is the
learning aim unit matrix never to
believe is underneath learner if it's
not it's underneath the progress reports
can you believe actually run through
these sessions before just before
delivering them and you want to think of
some times will do that's look for unit
matrix there we go there's so many
reports it's quite a school to keep
track of times but that's a problem you
can always use ctrl F and search for the
one where after some unit aim learning
game unit matrix reform okay so let's
choose our filters here to get something
right we'll just choose our default
shooter here but what this does is it
then pulls in all the units and learning
games that this particular tutor self
has access to it in regards to which
learners are currently assigned to them
okay so it'll break up and organize it
into the learning games within the
sensor and so of course if it's multiple
learners working towards a particular
learning it and then I'll fall
underneath that learning games group
okay so it's quite a simple report
really and what we're looking at here is
of course we can see each learner that's
working towards that particular learning
game see what class they belong to
placement and then following that we
have each unit that's within that
particular learning game and the
learners current and target progress
okay so now this is just great for
having that oversight having that
sort of top level of vision over all
these off progress and targets within
your sensor across different shooters if
there's the things that we often see as
well will work with hundreds of sensors
you know all going through different
types of inspections whether its
internal whether its Ofsted and some of
the things that we do see I mean people
do share their Ofsted reports with us is
the length of inductions you know
effective inductions are like SAR 316
deductions weren't really conducted with
the learners at the start now something
we always recommend with our centers is
to have an induction built like a no
learning game within our system yes I
think I do have if we scroll down we do
have a learner working towards induction
here for example okay so not only can we
to keep track on the actual learning
games were delivering whether it be
standards whether it be a traditional
sort of NVQ based we can also use it
first sort of those internal processes
well such as your inductions and using
this simple report we all to see where
each flows up to so this gent mister
people here here's our hundred percent
so should be okay but maybe all Val
learners should have done the induction
why is it only mister blue here that's
actually being assigned this particular
doctrine okay so as a sense mind just
gives you the really quick sort of
oversight over the saw the the progress
against each unit for each learning game
of course selecting into any of these
units will take you to the relevant and
you know somewhere for that learner if
you ever wanted sort of delve deeper
into that another really useful until we
have in the system as well if you wanted
to look further into an individual
learners sort of progress gaps for
example is the gap analysis view and so
they just quickly jump into one of my
learners I think we'll have a look at
mr. Michael Jacobs
cookies working swats crossed my service
yes yes okay John say his portfolio my
gates not just sense mentor that has
access this by the way
cheaters do as well and of course it's
very useful for a whole not a plethora
of reasons for the cheaters there but
elite the progress stamp from her
learner's portfolio page first icon is
gap analysis accountants let's show all
and apply oh so
the gap analysis does it's something
very similar to that unit matrix but I
supposed is looking on a much more
incremental level looking at the
individual criteria as well as just the
the saw overall unit so what this place
does it pulls in each component of the
learner's program break it down into
genus outcomes an individual criteria
against each criteria we have a couple
of columns on the right-hand side such
evidence and progress now within the
progress column we have these little
colored boxes now the core itself lesson
know whether learners yet you've covered
this particular criteria
okay so green means yes the learner has
uploaded all required evidence needed
towards this criteria we also have other
cause as well such as red and amber to
let us know that either works been set
against this or no work has been seconds
this self are a sport in evidence colin
provides the actual piece of evidence
which the learners have uploaded so
these will be the case that is the
assessment they learn and development
activities if the lens have done if it's
a full blog like these guys at the top
then it means that it's been signed off
whereas if it's been greyed out some to
this it means it hasn't been signed up
so it's probably the learner or maybe
tutor there she had to sign that work
off now what's also really useful about
this gap analysis where I wanted to
highlight it the Dane it's cuz within
your delivery you may have certain
requirements you may require a learner
to upload or demonstrate certain skills
and behaviors on multiple occasions so
you can set what we call consistency
rules in which we can see in action here
obvious though I do work insistence Rosa
you can actually set how many times have
learning needs to upload a piece of
evidence cable doesn't necessary have to
be a raw piece in the traditional sense
that just means that the learner has to
complete three activities around this
and of course you guys would have that
base within your plan but we can see
here that learners soft rule has been
set to three so they have to upload or
demonstrate a certain skill or behavior
on three occasions okay through the
supporting evidence column you can see
how many times and one's already done
this through the blue boxes yeah it
looks like he's uploaded four pieces of
work and perhaps that fourth one's just
not being signed off yet here we can see
through in most power we've got a three
green boxes it's because he's uploaded
pieces work and they've been signed off
okay so that's how you could look on a
much more individual learner basis if
you know for every reason you wanted to
drill down a little bit further and say
okay yeah we can see that he's a 75% way
through every what that means it's just
the case of there's one piece of
criteria that keeps getting missed why
is that is that consider included in the
plan much later down learners program
okay but let's get back to some
top-level and information here so
another thing that we could use and we
will jump back to reports in just a few
moments we've got on many more posters
kind of show off but I want to show
something else that would be quite
useful now this is more based off I
guess internal checks internal audits
that you guys might put in place so like
I mentioned at the start if you wants to
ensure that you're working to a
particular standard what we could use is
font okay so you guys rather win as a
sense manage at the moment so we are
able to create edit and publish forms
now if you're not play down the forms
and already on the system basically a
way of you guys to capture additional
information and within one file not only
that but we can use that farm to then
add additional fields to various
locations across the system one of those
is slightly unknown and doesn't get used
too often and for these purposes of
conducting an internal audit it could be
quite useful we have it and an example
of what we call a desktop audit okay
it's currently published and it's been
currently saved as a ttle learner tab
for the center managers okay it's
actually very tough option when you jump
into your farms and go to publish one
it's a very top here like so we don't
see it off you too often and put here
certainly one great way it could be used
so what this farm actually is it's just
absolute it boxes okay and but what we
have within this farm is the legs of
planning so tick boxes and basically we
can check to make sure that certain
planning's been taken place okay so plan
has been taking place for smart targets
and then various different criterias
these can be things that you guys have
it is called overseeing check you can
put your own internal audits okay look
at this farm and when it's actually been
published here so when we say he's been
published as a learner tab what that
means is if we head over to our users
and jump into one of our learners
episodes here okay okay so this page may
look familiar where we can set the legs
other learners their start dates class
placements all from one page off the job
hours as well by saving as a learner tab
form he's added additional tab on this
particular page you can see all these
times that we usually can use to assign
dilemmas learning games at units tutors
default IQ aids and so on we've added a
new tab here so desktop order now what's
good about this particular form is that
you can only be seen and used by center
managers okay so even if tutors access
to this page which can also do if
they've been given the manage learners
access permission and it's only sense
measures that can actually see this okay
so it's now added this extra tab on the
learners episode where center managers
could go through and complete their own
internal checks basically like said this
is just an example here so we have one
for likes at assessment and feedback and
so would we be looking out for
assessments have been mapped
holistically where possible and yes they
have okay so you'd obviously you have a
look through the learners portfolio
itself and look for these things that
matter to your delivery I like said that
you perhaps could use a recent report
from off their from our most recent
inspection or whatever the things that
you may need to improve on are the areas
that you want to focus on you could
create a form a soft break it down into
checklist so okay has feedback being
present it is it in session is their
detailed and constructive feedback for
learners to develop on things like that
okay when it comes to inspections and
audits whether it is internal whether it
is an external one whatever it may be
you can then come into this area and
show and the internal checks that you do
a sensor manager to make sure that
either people working in their
standardized way oh you know they're
saying things are certain improvements
are being sort of a stretched towards
okay so I think they say at this example
in particular and bossy isn't too
detailed here and but this idea of
having like a desktop audit where sensor
managers can conduct their own sort of
internal checks and is really a
proactive one as well you be able to
demonstrate that to anyone whether it's
just sort of you preparing that for your
own board of directors that you'll be
able to sort of demonstrate the the
planning and those internal checks of
spot-checks if you like and that you
carrying out on your own Center okay I
also believe that own desktop odd it's a
particular version of it is available
from our farm library over on the
onboarding page as well just in case you
guys once it's use it as a desktop hard
it's as such okay we're gonna head back
to report so it actually plenty more
reports want to show you and we probably
won't get through all of them it's just
cases back picking out a handful and of
course the next session will probably
pick out the others okay so where should
we go from here another really useful
one is tasks overdue by user okay this
is a couple users really again I think
other user roles direct access such as
cheaters and hang key ways of course it
only be our rather displayed information
at those guys have access to but as
sensor managers we get access and to all
the data within our sensor okay so as a
default and it won't actually really use
of separate the user groups if you like
and but it will put it all into one
report so we can see them got cheaters
in here and we've got employees in here
as well
learners and cue A's okay we can see
their names down the left hand side what
class they belong to if applicable and
then it's actually attached overdue
rather so we currently have a tutor
who's that up there who's got the most
overdue tasks
okay again this is all part of you guys
are sentiment just having that oversight
of your sensor is our cheetahs logging
on and they're being active are they
engaging with the system it looks like a
in this instance we've got a tutor here
and that perhaps has fallen
and quite a bit so of course it'd be our
job as sensor manager you know perhaps
get in touch offer support where
necessary how can we improve you know it
is there an error in the process perhaps
in an area of improvement
okay we can also see the earliest to
date there as well to see actually how
overdue and the earliest tasks may be as
with all our reports of that I think I
mentioned from the start and but every
of the bulges the majority of one files
reports are exportable to a spreadsheet
format ok so if you have anything sick
leave this information now if it was an
inspector for example and you wasn't
given them access to the system then you
can always export a lot of these reports
and have them ready in spreadsheets and
templates and whatever else ok so let's
go and have a look in another one
another really useful full one again for
sensor managers in particular although
it can be useful for IQ and cheaters
it's just their information maybe a
little bit more limited and that is
feedback and comments give this up so
many uses when I spoke to the success
manager team earlier in the week to get
some ideas of reports and other bits and
bobs that they would sort of devised to
their senses the feedback and comment
this report came up with every single
person who came back with information
for me and so obviously it is quite
renowned amongst our success managers
okay so I'll just find in the date
parameters here and the making basically
go ahead and choose who we want to see
the feedback from and - okay we can also
define by a feedback area so let's go
ahead let's have a look at Tutor
comments to learners in particular okay
you could drop down and have a look at
individual users if you listed I think
I'm just gonna leave this as all and
then we fit select our feedback area so
I'm gonna select for reviews okay don't
like that may be incomplete they see if
I can put in some white a date
parameters get some more results to show
okay a few for here but this could in
itself a highlight an issue within my
sensor the either hasn't been reviews
being completed by the looks of things
or no one's leaving comments on the
reviews and even by looking at the
comments that being left here and for
learners refusing don't forget this is
from cheaters comments to learners we
have em well we do have some flat
feedback in this bottom one and then
clearly insufficient feedback in this
other one here so what we can do using
these reports is placed against text
let's check for standardization when it
comes to feedback and comments and
shouldn't we see smart targets is that
someone you would smart record your
milestones or smart targets within the
system if so why we're not seeing those
milestones have been set within these
comments here
even so we expense at the very least
that all tutors would give quality and
constructive feedback to our learners
again perhaps we're not getting that
here not if that's where we require this
information okay so you can use these
feedback and comments and like I mean
it's not just reviews we can have a look
at assessments as well as again we'd
probably in expect constructive and
quality feedback within the assessments
and again although the feedback is being
left more frequently it
there's nothing constructive there okay
I know that's something that we needed
to improve on since I last Ofsted
inspection and although it made me you
started great this clearly there's a
lack of quality here within my feedback
so again you'd only quit this you can
then help support the cheaters further
and put things in place and you know
make sure there is actually the
standardized way of working
are those provements and developments
are being worked what what's good is if
you actually look at this report various
essence you could then drill down value
learning games as well maybe it's
particular classes in particular set of
learners I've seen the tutor or lesson
that's not going so well or a lot that
this erm perhaps unhelpful feedbacks
being left and it doesn't end there we
don't just have to use this for tutors
towards learners we could have a look at
learners to tutors I crazy I can't scene
left oh we could use employers as well
okay so depends on the who the employee
would get interact with and within your
sensor maybe it's the tutors and I know
I don't have much him much on this
report I don't think my employees are
too active
we could show that and we've got another
report is really quite useful if you
wanted to quickly demonstrate how much
your employees were engaging with the
system for example what without actually
showing the activities itself we could
use lines of activity locks it works
similar to the feedback and comments
however we're not just looking at
feedback and comments were looking at
actual actions taken in one file so
again we'd pick out user group and so
maybe we would look at employer's affair
now because my employees I don't often
log into my employer account on this
Center but let's have a look and see if
we get anything to generate it I'll
leave that as all we're gonna widen
these date parameters click Submit okay
so at the very least is brought in the
the teeth of the logins when people have
been active and so again this report
here we're only looking at employer
activities we're not drilled down into
any area in particular that system and
but what we can see here using this ad
seems to like is that employers the
logging on they might not be doing too
much in the in mind sensor but we can
see when the log inning with the logging
out they aren't doing it somewhat
frequently and so that tells me that
they are having that oversight at least
over their learners and again if we were
to be inspected whether it is internal
our external efficacy look what we have
employers and we have given employer
access and see the employers that we
work with we can see here that the
proactively logging in and then want to
trim their own learners now of course in
an ideal world would see them
interacting with her reviews him here
would cement threaten the learners
Journal and plans and everything in
between I think to end for today and so
you're not crammed so many reports in
for you guys once wanna look at one more
report if you've been on any of the
sessions before where we do focus on
reports and then you may have seen that
this one before
it isn't that they'd learn database
report and so for those who never had
seen this particular before this one is
customizable okay if it's let me just
quickly clean up here and I always seem
to leave my database reports MS and it
made your spotless prized little bit
what were able to do this report is
bring in our own fields and
the fields that can be found elsewhere
within the system okay so the top we've
got lots of filtering options here we
can report our port group look at
archived learners and drill down via
class placements providers even learn
the status as well which isn't a filter
often used across small files reports
and then from there it's quite a basic
report showing basically an information
really named placements addresses main
learning games status and a couple of
days in there as well now if we head
over to this select columns bottom were
then given a list of all the default
fields within one file okay we can pull
any amount of these fields into this
report as so perhaps we wanted let's
give it as date registered and
completion dates they're actually not
will even completion dates over
anticipated and actual and let's just
pull in some Davison genders as well
okay close that we can now see we've got
likes of date birth gender along with
the to date fields that we've pulled in
now what could be more useful here for
audience his having look if or rather
having a look at the likes of the first
and last teaching plan dates okay so
it's these activity related ones and so
you can see some of the last tutor
activity you can see the last teach and
learning plan dates so basically what
you could be looking for is if a
learners just started for example if
you've got a start date in here as well
and then you have a look at the first
and last teaching plan perhaps you could
spot a discrepancy and say oh actually
it doesn't look like this learning has
been set up planning a very long time
they not finished they're not
necessarily close to do to complete and
so why is it that they've not had a plan
in such a long time you know perhaps you
can speak with the the tutor of that
perhaps oh there's another plan in place
perhaps with some additional support I'm
already been planned for that learner
okay again it really depends on what you
guys looking forward with in your audits
or being audited on it depends on what
field you might pull into here okay
further to this we don't have to
default fields that's found in this box
we can actually use this little drop
down at our place firmly slap to this
general so shown are the general fields
within the system we can actually use
this now to reports on any of the custom
farms within our Center including that
desktop audit that we were looking at
earlier on ok so perhaps we could pull
in all the fields to this we could strip
back the majority of everything else if
we didn't need it and we could just have
a report on that desktop
audits that we created now and we can
now see all the learners that we have
within our Center and each of those
audit checks that we've put in place and
of course with these little tip boxes
once it's over they would have little
ticks are crosses it in here ok but of
course we haven't really filled that
form we only published it during today's
session but again we can save this
report so if we wanted to build up a
couple reports ready for inspector ready
for your board of directors her for it
maybe he was looking at that data or we
could still export it to spreadsheet
format okay guys that is it for today
that is just a handful of the tips and
tricks that some our success managers
would recommend when it comes to audits
and compliance again whatever that may
be whether it is really an preparing for
an inspection or whether you're just
carrying out your own audits to make
sure that you still as I've developed in
your program and your learning delivery
are you delivery method rather okay so
thank you very much for anyone attending
this morning I hope it's been useful
especially that desktop hold it and like
so we don't see that the form side being
used too often where these potential is
really there and you know to make it
really quite effective for your delivery
we'll have a look at some questions in
just a moment so if you're not sticking
around it's not a problem thank you very
much for attending anyway I do hope you
enjoyed in the rest in week don't worry
it is nearly Friday for everyone else
I'll be back in just a few ticks to
answer your questions bye bye for now