Covered in this webinar:
- Monitoring Tutor planning
- Course Builder
- Scorecard & Learning Growth Graph
- OTJ Planning
- Reports
- Feedback & Comments
- Activity Log
- Off-the-job
good afternoon ladies and gentlemen
welcome to another sets of onboarding
training webinars here from one file my
name is Jake I'll be your presenter for
today I'm actually the onboarding
project specialist here at one file so
for I guess fellows who have yet to be
introduced to the onboarding team or a
new function that's been put together to
better equip our users with resources
and knowledge that they need to
effectively use one file okay so we've
been doing this through creating new
written and video user guides we've been
creating libraries full of forms that
you guys can download and we've also
been running these lovely webinars we're
running these webinars now since around
May we get to focus on different areas
those systems some days we haven't
looked at use a real specific sessions
such as your sense managers in your
cheetahs and other times we'll have a
look at work flows through the use of
plans templates okay so we've been
running these that since around May
we've really taken a break though
towards the end of September just a
couple weeks to sort of gather ourselves
Gavin on the feedback have a look and
review basically the the sessions that
we were running so that has led us to
create some new kinds of webinars and
new types of webinars that we are
running so to begin with today I thought
we could quickly have a look at what the
sessions we do have run in between now
and Christmas I guess I've just comes
over to the onboarding web page again if
you get to be introduced to the team
you've probably not come across this web
page before either
and it isn't essentially the main web
site is a link that we actually send out
and so just in case anyone wants to
visit this page at the end of today's
session I will go ahead and drop that
into the chat okay so we can come back
to that later today but basically
everything we do as an onboarding team
is saved within this page so all the
resources like so the farms and the
webinars we also do recordings of these
webinars as well and we don't record
every single session and but rather we
wait until they've all been done then
we'll take them all that will clean up a
little bit and then pop them onto this
page find the recorded ones in that icon
there and please do give a few weeks for
these new ones to be uploaded that page
yes if it's wrap into webinar training
just to see what we've got written over
the next few weeks
okay so we still have our sensor manager
and focus sessions both intermediate and
advanced levels will still get a session
that focus on the reporting suite within
our system for tutors we've now got the
full range of training webinars from the
foundation intermediate right through to
advanced for features and products the
ones I'll highlight hairs are individual
learning plans progress reviews these
are both in new sessions have also
greatly amended the teaching and
learning plan session as well for other
users we still that sessions focus on IQ
as learners employees and observers and
finally a brand new kind of webinar
which I'm sure you guys will be aware of
because that is what we were under today
is the advice and guidance and we've put
the other three sessions that focus on
certain areas something you're certain
these situations are masters or
questions that we keep hearing from our
sensors and these are the links on
planning your Creek move in ten in one
file want to prepare for ordering
compliance using one file and how to
prepare for Ofsted okay so please do
book unto those and other sessions would
love to see you guys but as many as
possible but today's session how to
prepare far Ofsted so this definitely
much been designed and with a lot of our
sensors I'm in mind because we do see an
occasional have sensors come and visit
us here at our offices to rather go
through their experience of their recent
Ofsted inspection of course Rowe is the
success managers Rosen such where you
guys find out how things have gone so
we're trying to collect some of these
tips I've heard from the length of our
success managers I'm not you guys as
well and pop them into one session
though hopefully can help you guys move
forward till these plan at some of the
areas for your Ofsted visit Before we
jump in though there is some
housekeeping to get out the way first so
somewhere on your screen right now there
should be a GoToWebinar panel a few
features on this panel and one that may
interest you the most though is
so if only for today's session you have
any questions comments or concerns and
please do you feel free to pop them into
the questions box however it will be
under the sessions which we have a look
at these as for today's session I'll
probably run for around 20 to 25 minutes
and I said any times that at the end
they will use to answer your questions
and then finally we do her
feedback surveys as well and so whether
you guys leave today session or whether
I end it from my side you should be
presented with a feedback survey in your
youth audience browser it would greatly
appreciate you could set the time and to
complete that survey twenty more than
thirty seconds however it's only around
five questions long but as I mentioned
oh that's kind of the information we use
to then amend these sessions okay I
think I said everything out the way so
we just double check make sure that
everything's working from this side it
seems to be how to prepare for Ofsted so
what is it we'll be covering in today's
session so during this session we will
cover or at least look at these areas of
the system such as monitoring tutor
planning and we'll touch upon the cross
build and how this can be used we've got
information about the ILP we'll touch
from the scorecard and it's a learning
journey graph quickly have a look at
some off the job planning how to better
display this and monitor this and then
of course this some reports that'll be
quite useful and these those are just a
few there's many more that we could have
a look at we'll see what time we have
left at the end but we'll definitely try
and touch upon feedback and comments off
the job and the likes of Timothy lock
okay so let's get rid of the
presentation and we'll jump into on file
okay so we're actually going to jump
into one or two user rules today there's
a couple reasons for this we're going to
begin from an observer account okay
because one options that you guys do get
don't forget your sense for the end of
the day is it's all your data you guys
pretty much owned everything that sits
within and within the Bourne fam okay so
you are free to anyway give ever you
like whoever you see fit an account to
your Center this could mean given an
observer account which is traditionally
used as a saw a read-only to the likes
of an Ofsted inspector now of course you
can't force their hand if you want them
to use that account and you know we do
have come across inspectors that are
they are quite proficient in the system
and have to use observer account when
assessing someone's sensor and the data
and so on and but again it's completely
going to you guys but it is an option
that's there don't forget the observer
account is only
read only they can't edit anything
within your sensor and you define what
that observer account has access to okay
this could be very classically very
individual learners maybe it's tutors
and so again you kind of control what
this observer account seeds so
completely up to you guys but further
most of today at least the first half
will be hosting it from this observer
account specially to show you guys if
you were to give this read on the access
to the likes of an inspector exactly
what they could be seeing okay so like
so we're gonna focus on a couple of
areas so then the first place we're
going to go to is assessment plans are
teaching the learning plans rather okay
and again this this several ways how we
can get around this it all really
depends on what it is that you want to
show the inspector today what
information you've prepared and maybe
you just look at reports and print some
of those off or maybe you do want to
give them access and in which case and
we'll kind of go through the best way to
have a look at the information so we're
going to go through that some point of
looking at an individual learner today
firstly one jump into Malone is
portfolio and for those who were on
where we can actually access and see all
of the learners plans directly from
their portfolio page I guess I'm not
sure if anyone has ever tried to sort of
minimize these sections but when you do
so yeah other bits of information
popping up such as the learners profile
teach them learning plans there's many
more in here as well so I think
assessments and units some routes as
well we can see if they bridge back up
and open plans this learner has been
sinneth quite a few in the past I should
mention really none of this dates are we
gonna see today is actual real data so
to speak it was all done on our practice
centers so yes
I think these learners put in and
program for about three years now and
nevertheless I do actually have a plan
right down here at the bottom ok so
again it depends on what how your
inspector wants to work and what
information you guys prepare but the
sort of things we'll be looking file if
you do want to sort demonstrate the
plans that you have within the system
will be something similar to this
obviously not exactly but was something
quite similar so this plan just give you
guys some context has been built around
a curriculum curriculum intent based off
the customer service practitioner and
this is a scheme of work focusing on the
first ten weeks
okay so we can see we've got most
information I've just explained anyways
detailed in the title so we can see
everything's correctly labeled and the
dates have been in there you can see
that this was being delivered to the
face-to-face session the next planned
visit and has been scheduled as well yes
perhaps this is a plan that was put
together during the visit imagined so by
the looks of it okay so let's have a
look at what tasks what plans are
actually put in place for this
particular learner okay so I'm not
forgetting that this is week 1 to 10 so
we're probably going to see the start of
those sort of development tasks within
this plan in place we can see within the
plan here we've got a self-assessment so
the starting point really looks like
they may be taking advantage of the
learner score card with an assistance in
sort of getting that base level for the
learner lots of sort of a standard
standardization tips in here as well
still leaving important notes for your
learner's letting them know to messenger
cheaters when certain tasks have been
completed okay looks like we've got the
first learning activity hair again we've
got lots of instruction for learner
we've got clear actions the overview of
what this task is covering again
important details and even an allocation
time as well because of course that's
one of the things that offset will be
sort of looking at at least for the new
Prince of standards we see we want to
make sure that learners are self
following those sort of guided hours ok
Athenians go through a plan we can see
the likes of development activities
again lots of actions clear instructions
important information and allocation
times we've got the first assessment of
learning care it looks like they've gone
through a underpinning knowledge and
again these plans obviously will differ
from sensor senses however you can set
it up based around your curriculum or
whatever it is that you're delivering
but the whole idea here is if an
inspector worse to look at this planning
stage is the plan clear enough ever
they've got clear steps in his learners
got clear instructions is everything
else been defined in terms of off the
job allocation time you know important
that's information like that ok so we've
got a mini mock assessment here probably
preparing learners for the endpoint
assessment again that's another thing
that Ofsted will be looking out for
are you building up are you preparing
the learners for and
home assessment at least when it comes
to the new printer standards of course
it looks likes got the first review of
progress and they were they gonna set
milestones and smart targets even got a
task in here the employers as well so
again planning and show that planning
that you ever actively involved the
employers into your plans and for the
actual delivery method and so we can see
here we've got a task just for the
employees that please and show you
attendee agreed review beating there's
some nothing for the employees to
actually do there in terms of what they
need to do in one file it's just again
it's just that accurate and detailed
planning okay looks like it ends sort of
week 10 here with a meeting activity and
to look through the scorecard suffer
assess where the learners progress is up
to okay then when it comes to feedback
and comments we always recommend is to
color code in your comments and so
obviously no areas of progress marking
green areas improvement perhaps in
orange and then your areas of concern in
red again that'll be really useful for
offset to see that you are touching on
each point you've got constructive
feedback in there you're obviously still
let know know what they're doing well
there is your improvement as well okay
so that's just an example of a plan
Aleksei they've been very much based
around the christmas sales practitioner
standard for this particular example but
again it's just it's more about showing
you're planning how details are you
actually willing to go in your plans to
show each step and how far you've
prepared the learners okay another area
that we see again I was reading a couple
of reports this morning just refresh my
own memory so there's sort of things
that Ofsted are likely to find tower and
and one of them that I noticed I was
talking about the learners long-term
memory meaning once you guys have gone
through some learning and development
tivities with your learner's say at the
start of the program by the end of your
row rather by by endpoint assessment do
they still actually remember that
information are you covering those
certain topics or certain airs of
knowledge points over and over again
it's the point where the obviously the
learner picks it up and it's offset in
that memory so one of the things we've
also seen a lot of our sensors do I'm
just gonna leave my UPS
server cuz I don't I don't think it
needs if it means before we hear from a
learner again okay but nothing was seen
and being used quite often to help
without long terms of memory and AIDS
the things that you start delivering
some learners thinking in its using the
course builder and now didn't actually
have an example there someone mentioned
this to me and just before I kind of
came into the session so don't have
anything set up if it's possible scream
I went early guys and I'm gonna leave my
observer counters drinking as a sensor
managers just to quickly show you and
that course builder why that is now
useful I have to pause my screen
momentarily just so you guys don't have
to suffer from looking at the other
login screens okay bring you guys back
now so just remembers my sensor manager
and just a so we can head over to
courses now I'm not sure whether you
guys have played around with courses are
whether you use them within your
delivery at the moment but the real
useful you can basically create your own
interactive course is full of resources
information you have text analysis of
images and videos as well but what else
we can create is an interactive quiz
okay so perhaps you guys might want to
set up an interactive quiz to test and
learn is knowledge that they kind of
went through saying in the last scheme
of work make sure that's really set in
like I don't have it the best example
but very quickly to want to jump through
to a quiz that we do have here okay now
these quizzes cannot react to criteria
as well we can classes as of knowledge
evidence in themselves and but like I
said it might be a case if you want to
create an interactive quiz based around
the last scheme of work the loads done
to make sure like said that those tough
exact knowledge that they've learned
it's actually set in yeah you guys
connect to the set of pass mark as well
so you know if the learners hits over
say eight seven seven five percent and
you guys consider that as that
particular knowledge that you went
through last king of work at some kind
of set itself into memory so to speak
okay cuz don't forget
you preparing the lens for EPA when they
go through that EPA process they're
probably going to touch upon each of the
soft points that you showed you've been
delivering throughout the program okay
so you can set password you can see we
didn't pass them and so this course what
we classed as completed but just another
idea of a preparing your sensor
preparing your delivery for the things
that often might be looking for such as
memory of the knowledge that the
learners have learnt okay so I'm gonna
go back out air possible screen again
just to save you guys from all the
flickering around jump back in our our
observer and carry on as we were okay
so another area which is really useful
and again it all really depends on how
you guys set it up but that is the
learners ILP now if you're familiar with
the ILP function within one file and
it's pretty much a it's a custom form in
many ways you decide what information
gets put in there and however the IRP
itself isn't editable so it'll pull in
information from other areas of one file
okay these can be heavily customized I
mean carefully customized with the
custom form builder and that we have
within the system but you could turn
your IRB into the one-stop shop for
everything that Ofsted will be looking
for okay so if they're looking like some
off the job information we want to know
about reviews let there be no
consistence met want to have a look at
some plans you want to know about in the
learners job description guided hours
the employers and they engage you could
have all that information so I've pulled
into the ILP now the ILP we have a my
center here it's actually based off the
EFSA's commitment statement okay but
again these completely down to you guys
of how you want your ILP so good
learners personal information here and
what cheetahs employees that are linked
to the system we then have information
about the the endpoint assessment
organization the employer themselves as
well along with contact information key
policies commitment to program and then
in here we've also pulled in alike so
the learning games table so you can see
and each component that learners work in
two arms we've got the unit table we can
see where the progress is for this
learner against eg units he has assigned
I've got the review table in here teach
and learning plan table do with the IR
peas like then you can pretty much pull
in any information as long as the
saved in water file either has a default
a via a custom farm then you can pull
that into your IR peas and like so you
can make into the one-stop shop really
lots of funds here I think the just leaf
is something else there we've also got
timesheets in here as well and I can be
collecting the absolutely IR peas
apologies that it's quite quick there
and underneath we've got our custom
farms capture the idea and the
recognition of prior learning again the
initial assessment results can pull them
things like that and declarations where
everyone can self sign it off including
the employer so again I hope it's really
useful it all really depends on how you
guys have set them up or whether you use
them at the moment and to take advantage
of this function that's within the
system but like I said it dependent how
it's been so it could be a one-shot
start and don't forget other than
courses that we're just everything we've
seen today is valuing that observer
account okay all you've done is give
them access to a particular class and
this is what the observer has access to
another really useful tool it's actually
quite a recent one though we've pumped
into the system is them learn a
scorecard now I should mention the spore
count is only available to those sensors
who have purchased the learning curve
once I was learning cob it's the only
add-on that we have for the system but
it contains a couple of features that
have been sort of desiring with a
friendship standards in mind more so
this one and that is the learner
scorecard so for those who are unaware
of the scorecard is a brand new feature
that allows learners to score themselves
in regards to their confidence against
the knowledge of skills and behaviors or
perhaps a curriculum of intent now it's
come into one of this Lunas scorecards
here like something we either use of you
guys what we've seen being used here the
knowledge skills and behaviors and the
learners actually rank themselves and
rate themselves against each criteria or
more so and what we think probably works
a little bit better and for both
learners and everyone else in the
delivery is having your trickin within
ten so of course when you guys build a
curriculum probably picked out the ten
fifteen points based off these knowledge
skills and behaviors and that's what you
guys are delivering so that's probably
what better to learn us of scores
themselves against okay and but we can
see here as we kind of click into these
we can see what a score the learners
gave themselves at this particular time
and you can see any learning activities
that also sort of present themselves on
the right hand side of the screen though
ideas that learners go through and score
themselves every so often might be every
month maybe every time you guys do a
progress of you every quarter whatever
that may be
when the learners have completed a
scorecard it'll plot those schools those
average scores onto this graph okay now
unfunctional made learner he certainly
hasn't been updating his forgot his
office with lights we would like at
least a couple of months and he's only
done so in the past well it seems around
six months but you can see here that is
plotted those points on this graph and
basically what this graph is going to
show is the learners journey from their
own perspective this is what we've seen
especially says his work in Swasey
friendship standards we've seen at the
beginning the user score account to get
help get that base level of learners
experience and knowledge so far against
the curriculum and then of course as we
do this every couple of months we
hopefully should see an increase in
these lines should go up over time but
don't fret if any of course anything
ever dips down or is quite a jagged
wave-like graph that's the sort of thing
that Ofsted of looking for you want to
understand the learners confidence
levels from their own perspective now is
learner aware of the sovereign's needed
for this professionally aware of what
they're going to be learning and aware
of the epa process of course everything
else in between you guys are this got to
be really useful if you've been using
the scorecard it would be great so i
demonstrate that to Ofsted
another aspect that Ofsted made look and
it has a job know we've probably hold
her tough job Ofsted say many times that
they're not they won't be looking this
early at the percentage make sure that
Petraeus it has definitely been hit but
rather and that constructive so off the
job time has been given that
opportunities have been given to learner
to put and solver they're the new
learnings into action with their
workplace and they've got that time
they've got that commitment from their
employer to take that time out to
continue their learning whether that is
an in an academic sort of space or
whether it's attending industry events
however you guys have planned the off
the job activities with the employer
there's a few ways we can have a look at
that and again we're still saying is the
in the observer account here it's a
couple places we could go to have a look
at that for job it depends on what
aspects of off the job the inspects with
lights look at first of all we have
likes of the learning journal again this
may look a little bit different from
your sensor this is a feature that's
updated with the learning Cobb adult so
again if you don't have the learning
public but you still have a learner
Journal and it may not look like it okay
so what the learning journal is is the
Morse of dedicated off the job area this
is where learners can sort of create
instances and reflections and activities
and learning that they've completed okay
but you can also tie these into your
plans as well and so you can see that
this particular task was part of a plan
we've got the instructions on the
chooser here there's nothing jobs have
some work shadow in and some estimated
time here I guess it's been asked to
shadow his supervisor he's looking out
for a visa I've seen relevant to his
program you see the lone actors have
been recording here that work shadow him
and you open up again we can see the
three hours are completed and it was
saved as off the job so if the inspector
wants to have a look at so the
individual tickets if I've been
completed off the job then perhaps this
will be a good area to go to however if
for every reason the inventor does want
to have a look it's on the toll time
spent then there is another area for
that as well and that could be the
learners timesheet page
okay so from the lunar portfolio me that
it's a very last item we have timesheets
okay so what this page those will start
from the bottom actually work coming up
so at the very bottom is page we have
every individual entry of any activity
that other has done especially anytime
they've recorded time against an
okay so whether it is a journal entries
whether it is learning development
activities I can see through the
references here we've got lines of case
letters got off the job activities in
here you can see how much time you spent
acumen server on each activity and
whether that was off the job if we
scroll up we can see how much
accumulative time has been spent across
those different assessment methods and
off the job categories as well and at
the very top we have be more dedicated
off the job function and so if you guys
have sort of yet to sort of settle with
your other job within one file and the
system will pretty much calculate the
percentage itself as long as we have
someone who's recording time on behalf
of the learner okay that could be the
learner could be the cheetah really
depends on your delivery are who you put
that responsibility with but other than
that the system sort of calculates it
for you and so if we enter the total
contracted hours for this learners
entire program it's a two year program
at we two years worth of hours a
schooled in hold it is though and then
as time begins to be recorded we can
then see the length of the target off
the job hours that needs to be achieved
the actual off the job hours that learns
them so far and in turn an actual
percentage of course we're trying to get
up to the 20% mark not a hundred so of
course the livers is not too far off
he's only got about seven percent left
now this is also available in a wider
report as well so again depend on what
the inspector wants to see package once
prepare all of your learners off the job
information then there are reports
follow that okay so we pretty much again
we're gonna leave the observer side now
and so bothy courses that we just kind
of shoehorned him a little bit so as a
beginning everything we've seen so far
can be done from that observer account
so giving someone s it has to be
obstinate internal audits as well and
but you know if you do have an inspector
or someone and that
the least comfortable using the system
and you could always give them an
employer player access as you guys do
restricts that you say exactly what they
have access to in terms of learning
information when it portfolios so we're
going to leave my own server account
because we won't jump in and finish with
today as mine Center manage we're gonna
have a look at a couple of reports
because of course if you don't give them
access to an observer account you don't
want them necessarily accidents in your
one father they've they've said they
want the one to access it and they just
ask for certain information and it's
probably going to be your sensor
managers that gets to prepare this
information having access to the most
data with about system now there's lots
and lots of reports that we can focus on
here we really do have quite the
selection I think it's over 75 pre-built
reports in one file let alone the fact
that you can actually build your own and
save those as well and but it's just a
couple that we thought I'd point out
here again based off some of the
comments that perhaps we've seen in
Ofsted reports and we hear from you guys
okay so one of the reports and that was
mentioned quite a lot is the feedback
and comings necessarily from our success
managers and how valuable this
particular report is okay most what we
can do here it's winding these are date
parameters just a little bit you can
base they have a look at all the
feedback and comments from one user all
to the next and you can actually drill
down into different areas in the system
as well as it perhaps we want to have a
look at tutors and have a look at tutor
feedback to learners because at the end
of the day one of the things after that
we'll be looking out far is how's
constructive feedback to be given is the
areas to improve for the learners so
there's something to work off is there
enough information for them to
understand how old they can improve it
in the next time around okay so I'll
just ask the reports are bring back any
comments seen cuter Oh from kids or to
learners and we just lets our feedback
area now so let's have a look at a
assessment for example okay I don't
bring up all the feedback from the
Assessor to the learner
no straightaway I can see a bit of a
trend here on my sense of looking at
these comments and that is mr. John
Assessor my main cheater here doesn't
give the most constructive feedback
okay says it says great work is it
clearly um you know possibly enforcement
way to learn here but there's no like
says notice what's the feedback there's
nothing for the learn to improve here
and more or less erm actually Ofsted
will probably turn around and say two
words is not good enough for learner
feedback in today's day and age so you
know this report can be use in different
ways you don't have to have to look at
cheaters comments and perhaps we want to
look at implies comments to learners or
employees comments to cheaters now I
know I have anything on my sensor but
again if you do have an active employer
and you wanted to demonstrate lis
engagement even getting from your
employers within the system then this
could be another good report shown or if
I said it was more concerned that other
employees are logging on and they're
accessing the system and the play in
their part not necessarily the ones have
a look at the comments themselves then
again there's more reports we can show
ahead to sort of display that
information such as the activity log now
what's great with that to get along is
that most user groups get access to it
it depends on which user role you are
depends on what is it depends on what
data you have access to being in a sense
of management moment we can access to
everything so if we have a look at
employees for example just widen those
date parameters just a little bit and
submit so looking at almost a two year
period there but as we can see where I
look at the the two year period we can
see we've got our employers logging Liam
head it can also see them accessing
their learners portfolios which is great
it means that the monitoring it to some
degree I've got all the logins and log
outs here and each portfolio that he's
accessed and we could drill down further
or through this activity log as well if
you wanted to you can say okay we lack
search one to see how - early checking
the reviews how often that's been going
in and signing the reviews and consider
you know women to have their signature
and you can find out in the case in the
last two years of my Center I've never
had an employer this interview which
could be an area concern in terms of
employee engagement
okay guys now of course there's plenty
more reports a like so there's always 75
pre-built reports a good handful for
those about to be useful preparing for
your inspection well that is pretty much
everything we have to show today and the
no excuse quite a lot in today and like
I said this it's an open-ended question
really on how you guys could prepare for
after that and there is so many tools it
really depends on what your delivery
methods like now depends on what you've
set up and how you set it up on one file
and of course the questions and the
things that the inspector may actually
ask to look at okay so we'll have a look
at some questions at the moment see if I
can help any further and so if you
haven't already please do begin
preparing those for everyone else who's
not sticking around it's not a problem
thank you very much for attending this
afternoon I do hope it's been useful
maybe give you some ideas on how you can
prepare for an upcoming inspection hope
if you're not sticking out it's not a
problem I hope to see you on webinar in
the future and I hope you try the recipe
day I'll be back in just two ticks bye
bye for now