Covered in this webinar:
- Activating Dashboards
- Progress Reports
- Centre Reports
- Assessor Caseload Reports
- Learner Reports
good morning ladies and gentlemen and
welcome to another onboarding webinar
here at one file my name is Becky and
I'm an onboarding success manager here
on file so today's webinar we're going
to be running through reporting on the
one file system before we just jump in
to see what we're going to be covering
today let's just go through some
housekeeping so somewhere on your screen
right now you should be able to see a
GoToWebinar panel and on that panel
you've got a questions and a chat
feature so if at any point throughout
today's session you've got any questions
any comments or concerns please feel
free to just pop them in those boxes we
will go through any questions at the end
of the session so as I mentioned today's
webinar is reporting with one file so
let's just have a look what we're going
to be covering today so we're going to
be having a look at activating the
dashboards I'm going to look at the
progress report we're going to look at a
few reports under the center section
we're going to have a look at the
Assessor caseload report and then find
that the learner reports so let's jump
straight into the software so I'm logged
in as a sensor manager I'm so when you
first log into your account you should
come to your dashboard section so these
dashboards and you can control them as a
sense manager you have the option of
which ones you want to turn on and turn
off and so I just got all of the
available dashboards turned on here for
Center manager so we just find that
these dashboards are really useful
because you've got a quick glance here
of the information to each report so you
can click into these dashboards and it
will open up that report behind it so
say for example I've got the first one
here progress reviews do so it's telling
us here it's in red so we've got seven
they're overdue so let's click into that
dashboard and well we can actually see
the information behind that so we can
see which learners are overdue who are
those learners tutors and what employer
do they belong to
what cohort are they
- when was the review scheduled and what
time was it scheduled for so it's given
us all of that information and then what
we can do there I can also export these
reports um - especially so you do have
that option for all of the reports
within one file so these dashboards
you've got lots you've got visits
learners you to complete - - caseloads
so if you've assigned a caseload
- a - so you can just see that whether
they're both at or below
we've got IQ actions so if you use an
actual reactions then you Center you'll
be able to see what which ones are being
selected by the IQ ways when the rats
the sampling how they learn is one
target very very useful so if we go into
Center you've got an icon called
dashboards so here you've got all the
different users and then underneath what
dashboards are available to those users
and so if there is certain dashboards
that you know that you're not going to
need and you can just untick those and
the wrong display on that dashboard area
just see that so that is your dashboards
so let's go into the reporting area so
when you open up the reports page the
first report that will always appear at
the top of the page is your progress
report so the progress report you can
just use these filtering options and you
can select if you've created a reporting
group you can select that so we do go
through this in the sense um one is your
webinar so you can set up a group of who
you want to report on so you can just
filter by using that and it will run the
report on the groups that you've added
in there you can also do this by cohort
so it'll bring up all of the learners
aside to that cohort
I've also got show detailed view tech
team in the right-hand corner and so if
this was on the tips you would just be
able to see the actual progress the
detailed view will show you the target
progress as well as to where the learner
should be at and so the target progress
does run off the dates that have been
entered into the portfolio so if you
think that the prog the target progress
does look incorrect please just review
those unit dates that have been entered
of when the learner should have started
to make progress on the learner name and
also when they should have completed it
so it's either the learning name date or
the unit date if you just have a look at
those and then that will then rectify
that so if we go back to the reports
page and you'll notice that we've got
the reports in sections so we've got
Center reports assessment slash unit
reports to two reports learner reports
we've got learner database report
so you'll notice we've got in brackets
there is my reports are there is Center
reports so while this means is if you're
safe in one of these reports on this
area all the you will be able to see it
as it's under my report and if you've
run a report and save it under sensor
then anybody on the sensor will be able
to see that report as well and so we
will just run through that a little bit
later on
and I've also turned on learning
equality reports as well my Center and
Diagnostics so let's go back to Center
reports and the first one I'm going to
run through is the activity log so every
action on the system is time-stamped so
there is a full audit trail within this
section here so you can select the user
group that you want to report on so you
can leave that on our groups if you
needed to and so I'm just going to
select Utah and then we've got activity
category so
all of these categories here you can
report on everything that's happened
underneath each section there and so
let's have a look at the learning
maybe you're tuned up back to learn
nothing let's see if the learner was
being logging in their learning journal
and you've got a date from - I'm just
gonna back date this a bit and then
press submit and that report should then
run so if you did want to include your
archived learners into your reports you
kind of just tick that box there and it
will also include any archived learners
as well so if you are on the per seat
model you will have to archive your
learners Bernard as a free up that
learners seat once if they've completed
so you can include those in the reports
by clicking that there and so this
learning Journal report it's bringing up
they'll learn up that has logged in and
when they have logged the journal entry
so this is a really good report just to
make sure that the our login in that
Journal and because if you do have like
the updated journal from the Learning
Cod it's a really good resource you can
use when you've got audit visits or
Ofsted to show the learners learning as
they're recording their reflections in
there as well and let's have a look at
another category and so we've also got
timesheets in here as well so this is
another area weather learner can lock
their off-the-job hours and so they may
not use the timesheets area as their
main area of login they're off the job
as they can do that in the journal and
on their assessments as well but it's
really good just to make sure that they
have used this area to create some time
she enters so we have got some action on
there and also in this areas while you
can also report on any feedback and
comments box that appears within one
file you can actually report on this
area and as I know that some Ofsted
visits the I've asked for
this feedback so let's have a look
we've got feedback there is there no
feedback on comments let's move on let's
have a look at this so I'd like to
change this to tutor I don't think
that's about one I'm sure
don't know if I'm just missing it maybe
it's because I'm on the practice center
it's not bring enough information but
where it does it will bring up all the
feedback that's been entered in certain
areas of the system so you will have an
extra filter box where you can select
where that feedback is coming from and
because I'm on my practice area it's not
working for me but yeah just let us know
if you need any help of that so let's go
back into the reports page I've just
remembered this is what I'm thinking of
feedback and comments it's its own
report I'm really sorry about that
so it's the reports page and it's under
assessment slash unit reports and it's
called feedback and comments there we go
it's let me just back date that because
it's a practice and I sort of might not
have information so we won the feedback
from the tutor to to the learner and you
can select individuals as well if you
wanted to or you can just leave that on
all users and then you can select the
feedback area so if you want it from
assessments unit summaries plans
progress reviews to two observations are
learning interviews so let's select
assessments there we go so my comments
aren't very good because this is a
practice center but when you leave a
feedback and comments the learners just
make sure the very detailed and as this
report can be pulled and you can get the
dates who it's from who it's to and what
the assessment is so you can select that
subjects there and it'll take you
straight to that assessment so it's
given us their what comments were left
and you can see here we've also got some
colors so when the tutors I'll even
feedback on assessments they can use
colors in there and just to make sure
that they are leaving very detailed
feedback and this can also be exported
to a spreadsheet as well
what's also given us whether this was
read as well so on the assessments if
the whoever there's left a feedback for
if they go into the assessment to read
the feedback it does turn that tick
green so you can see whether that has
been read or not that's where the good
report so let's go back to reports now
and we're going to have a look at some
cheater reports so one day we've got
tutor caseloads so if you have got
caseloads turned on in your settings
when you create a too-tight it will ask
you for a number for their caseload so
this is how many learners they're going
to be looking Africa and so we've got
our list here of tutors and what group
are they in so are they in a tutor our
trainee tutor and then what is their
target caseload subsistent and what
we're giving them and you can amend
these numbers and so like I mentioned if
you've got that set and turned on if we
go to users and go to tutor just go into
their account on this page you'll see
they're under account settings we've got
target caseload so as a sense manager
you can amend that number to whatever
you wanted it to be and then just press
so if you can't see this information on
the account page you would just need to
go into your Center settings and so
that's just located on the sensor
settings and then I'm just gonna press
ctrl + F just search for caseload
well maybe the settings not carcase Lord
but if you haven't got that turned on
you do you want that enabled just like
me no one will be able to do that for
so under tutor reports we've got the
caseload report so this will show you
whether the tutors are working towards
in their case or whether the behind are
over and so you can see here we've got
this tutor the caseload is for what
they've actually got six so the caseload
is at one hundred and fifty percent so
you can actually click to view what
Mitch learners are assigned to that earn
tutor just to make sure that it has been
assigned correctly so under two two
reports as well we've also got learning
a unit matrix so what this report is
showing us and it's showing us the
learners that are assigned to this tutor
and it's just given us a breakdown of
the progress for each unit so we're
getting the actual percentage and also
the target percentage so this is just a
really good report to see and where the
learners are at so we've also got this
in color as well so you can see in the
red the amber and the green so whether
they're behind on target or in the
middle so it gives you the breakdown for
all of those learners assigned to that
tutor I forgot back to reports and
you've also got the option to create
custom reports so this is the database
reports so if you wanted to create a
report just for yourself you can do that
one under my reports or if this is a
report that all the users on the centre
will be able to use to say for example
if it's for our sensor managers do that
under sensor reports and they will be
able to run that as well so I'm going to
that learners learning game view so this
will show us learners and what learning
aim they're currently assigned to I'm so
to customize this report just use this
button here select columns so on the
right hand side it's showing us what
columns have currently been selected and
so if you did want to remove these you
couldn't just highlight them and click
remove or just highlight one and click
remove so you can see in the background
the the table updates with the columns
that perhaps are selected so under here
you can just run through all of these
available columns and just add them to
your report once you have been disc let
press close and then you should be able
to see all of the columns on this report
that you've just selected so if this
report that you've just created is one
that you are going to be using say for
example you're going to be using this
once a month right you're going to be
using it regular you can save it and so
you can save as a new report give it a
title of what that report is for and
then this is permissions for who do you
want to be able to see this report
basically and see if it did one side
this report from certain users and you
can uncheck those boxes and so this is
just any of everybody that has got
access to the reports page so you can
remove the access from certain users and
then press save so again you can export
this report to a spreadsheet but if we
go back to that reports page now we
should be able to see that this has been
saved that regard so I'll call it
progress so that's just saved there
under that section so those columns will
just automatically save for your in
there so as soon as you click into it
you've got your updated information
so another report and here as well we've
got to to dashboard so this basically is
a dashboard of all the tutors that
you've gotten your Center and it's given
as a breakdown of exactly where their
learners are at so we've got the list of
our tutors the report date which is
today how many learners are in their
caseload and what is their actual
caseload that's the target that we've
set on the centre and this is what their
actual caseload is looking like and
we've got percentage of learners on the
Ambilight percentage of learners on the
red light so this just means amber is
like on target
red is behind we've got percentage of
learners that I've never logged in so
this is a really good to earn to keep an
eye on because if the tutors are setting
work for learners but the learners are
not logging into their account then
they're gonna have a bit of trouble with
them staying on target with the progress
and we've also got the sensitive
learners over 90% progress so they're
learners that are going to be finishing
quite soon
then we've got percentage of progress
reviews overdue so that's a good way of
keeping an eye on whether those progress
reviews are being carried out and then
also we've got tasks overdue so this is
also a good report to just make sure
that they're keeping on top of the tasks
that have been sent to them so if the
learners assigning them assessments
they're going back to the tutors to be
signed leaders need to make sure they
keeping on top of that so that the
learner is getting the progress um from
their assessments that they are
completing there's also actually an
individual report for the tasks as well
because that would be a really good home
for the tutors to keep on top of um so
we've got tasks over to you by user or
tasks by user so you can see how many
tasks the user actually has so you can
filter by group so let's go to learners
so it's given us how many tests that
have been set how many have been
completed and how many are not completed
so we've got to learn here who's not
completed ten tasks so it's just really
good to be aware of how many tasks are
actually outstanding on the learners
portfolios and because maybe did not
complete the task because the struggling
they don't know how to complete them so
they just leave in there so it's just
really good to know that information and
maybe get in contact with that learner
just to see if they need any help so
another good report on here is the off
the job report so if your learner's are
logging their after job hours and so
just under learning report you've got
the off the jobs report there so let me
open that up so on this report you've
got the filtering options for the
default tutor the cohort the employer
and the provider so if I had to select a
tutor and I call heart you've then got
the option to enter anticipated
completion dates for learners so if the
learners have got different dates and
you're not really quite sure you can
just delete those dates and leave that
blank and then press submit and then
this should then bring up all of the
information on your sensor so any
learners assigned to this to that in
this cohort will appear so this after
job report is giving you the information
of each learner they'll give you their
start date their anticipated completion
date who they've been assigned to cohort
employee provider what their total
contracted hours are so if this area is
blank that means that no court or
contracted hours have been entered for
that learner so the system will be able
to calculate how many hours they need to
log so if the learner is logging off the
job and it's not period it may be
because you've not entered the total
contracted hours so the system does need
I'm the target presented in order to
generate that information that will just
need to be entered so once that is
entered and you've entered their target
percentage it will then generate how
many hours the learner needs to add into
their portfolio in order to reach that
twenty percent and then we've got the
total after two hours so up to now and
how many hours is the learner locked so
this learner has locked 15.1 hours so
their actual author job percentage at
the moment is not point six out of that
twenty percent target so you can see
this learner here has logged 70 hours
and they actually need to log 704 so
they're currently on to person out of
their twenty percent off the job target
and so we've recently released as well a
feature within the progress review
section and you'll also have a table
which will show you where that learning
is up soon in regards to they're off the
job hours as well so that is the end
after today's reporting webinar and so
I'll just go away for a couple of
minutes and to give anybody a chance to
rise up any questions that you may have