Covered in this webinar:
- What is an ILP
- How to include information from a Custom Form
- How to build an ILP
- How to assign an ILP to a learner
- How to complete an ILP
- How to create a signable copy of the ILP
good morning ladies and gentlemen and
welcome to another sets of onboarding
training webinars from one file my name
is Jake I'll be your presenter for today
I'm the onboarding project specialist
here for the onboarding team I guess if
you if you're not been introduced the
onboarding seniors we've kind of been
put together to basically better equip
our users with the resources and
knowledge that they need to effectively
use one file at least we've been busy
writing friendly user guides crates of
Visio user guides and also running these
live webinars yes we've been running
these webinars now since May I think
it's mid May when we began we've
recently taken a break though a couple
weeks off and give us a chance to sort
of reflect relax have a look and collect
all the feedback that you guys have been
leaving us and from there we've
basically written and full of new
sessions so begin today I wanted to
quickly jump to our webinars page just
so I can show you guys what kind of
sessions we've got running between now
and Christmas so I guess if you've been
not been introduced to the onboarding
team then you may have not seen this
page on either so this is the embodiment
of if you like isn't it that's the main
website we usually send a link out and
so if you don't want to come to this
page I'll do I will copy and paste the
URL into the chat box so you guys can
have a look at how later time but and
pretty much anything that we do as a
team and it creates any user guidance
create any video guidance create forms
and other bits and bobs for you guys
would all be found on this page
including the webinars in case there's
something else to mention as well if he
wasn't aware we do record these sessions
we do signed him up a little bit and pop
them on this page too please do give a
couple of weeks for these new sessions
to find the way on there but you can
watch them at any time and of course
we've got the live sessions as well so
let's have a look at what we're running
okay so we've still got the likes of
these sensor managers intermediate and
advanced but still kept a session that's
focusing on the reporting suite within
one file
we now have the full range of tutor
training session so foundation
intermediate if
the features and products a few new
wants to point out are individual
learning plans of course with such one
today progress reviews and we've rebuilt
our teaching and learning plans for the
users we still are our QA learners and
employer sessions and the brand new type
of webinar as well for advice and
guidance this will be like soft planning
your curriculum of intent in one file
and what to prepare for order and
compliance inspections and then how to
prepare for Ofsted well there's a plenty
new sessions there we would love to see
you on but answer those okay let's just
come back to today's session and just
before we have to jump into and the
sessions objectives there's some
housekeeping to get out the way first so
somewhere on your screen right now
usually anchored right there should be a
go to panel a couple features on this
panel one that may interest you the most
though is questions so if any point
throughout today's session you have any
questions comments or concerns then
please do feel free to pop them into the
questions box however it will be the end
of the session to which we have a look
at those as for today's session problem
for around 20 to 25 minutes and then any
time we have left at the end there will
be used to answer your questions finally
we have feedback surveys so at the end
of today's session whether you guys
leave or whether I end the session from
my side you're presented with a feedback
survey which should pop up in your usual
internet browser it would greatly
appreciate if you could set the times
complete those servers it's only around
five multiple-choice questions long and
social team one thirty seconds but we
would agree appreciate it as it's what
we then use the soft gauge how you guys
are finding these training webinars okay
so let me just double check make sure
that everything is working from this
side before we go ahead and jump in for
good stuff everything seems to be okay
so individual learning plans what is it
that we'll be covering today
okay so during this session we'll look
to cover what is an ILP how to include
an information in our ERP some lights
for custom farms which of course then
take some to how to build an ILP as well
then how to assign that to specific
learners how to then of course complete
an IR paint and create a saleable copper
for everyone within that learners
process design okay so thank you very
much coming about the the building of
the ILP and within our system ok we will
be sort of picking an example as such
because a ejp could be very different
it'll be different from M learning game
to learning game standard to standard
and perhaps even between learners as
well it may differ ever so slightly so
first of all I okay what doing me by LP
well of course we an individual learning
plan we do have a default functions
within one file okay to help put these
IR pieces together and we really quickly
jump to one of my learners here the way
the IOP works in one file though is a
user's information that already exists
within one file to pretty much build
that build up planet and display that
information now if you are anyone's you
have an IOPS sound you'll find it
underneath the progress tab however
let's begin with this learner does not
have an LP that's cause we're gonna be
building one together what else may be
useful and whilst building your ILP is
think about what information you
actually want to display in that okay if
it's anything that is already in one
file okay so anything to do with
progress the learning games progress
reviews the users employers and things
like that things that we naturally
record to that self information is
something you can actually card with our
system then the tests that we're gonna
be able to pull it into the IRP but then
maybe things that you can't pull in as a
default okay things that you might have
to create a cost
farm fall in Kasich strip this back
right to the example that we're using
today so we've found that with a lot of
our newest sensors at least those that
are working towards a new pension
standards they've been following the
EFSA is a commitment statement as
they're sort of IOPS which are using
that information to build up their an
ILP so that's kind of the example that
we'll be using today as well as Asli
we've got more and more people moving
onto the friendship standards but don't
forget anything we do see today that in
terms of the method of creating the ARP
is interchangeable okay it'll always be
the same no matter what kind of program
you're delivering but just so we can
focus in on a particular example today
we did decide to go with the the more
updated the standards and the commitment
statement from the EFSA okay so I do
actually have the famous statement here
hopefully it pops up for everyone as
well so just as a bit of an example or a
bit of context or example today we're
basically going to recreate or basically
use information from each tab here such
as the cover sheet the key policies it's
a program and plan of training it's not
going to look exactly the same
but we're going to kind of use this as
your example in our template today then
just so you guys aware so based off this
based off this commitments then there's
some information that we don't capture
okay so this is how I'd use the plan
anyway within the system and some detail
what I our IRP needs can think if you're
moving from a paper system then chances
are you may already have that in the
paper portfolio if you're moving over
from another electronic system and then
chances are you have something for your
ILP this if we just use this as our
example today so we need the length of
apprentices details
okay so names companies and their
contact information okay well that's
fine because one file already captures
this so we know we can be able to pull
this in we've got main provider details
so name per second position the
company's address contact information
again we can to this information as a
think about the employers and the
placement areas within one file we only
capture this
okay delivery some contracts information
as well oh so I think I've got mixed up
there so provider of course will be the
trained provider employer of details
there on the right hand side but again
either way
we capture all this information so far
and I think that's probably okay oh and
home assessment organization as well
again only applicable if you're working
towards a new standards um okay this
probably one that we don't capture as a
default now again depending on how you
manage your sensor and how the center
managers are sort of setting your Center
up there may be an area for you to
record the endpoint assessment
organizations details as a default look
there isn't an area in the system and so
you might want to create a custom form
for that okay you know make a note of
that that might be something we need to
capture in one file
additionally to make this IOP work we've
announced the next tab which is key
policies it's of course this is just
where the learners employees saviem the
cheaters as well so I'll just make that
commitment and say yeah we've had a look
at the code of conduct so have a look at
the health and safety posture the
quality harassment safeguarding and all
those other policies air to which the
learner self absolute commit sin okay so
again do we have this in one file we can
capture this information as
sensormanager and but perhaps to include
it into our I appear we might want an
additional form and now this form
doesn't necessarily have to have too
much information you don't have to have
any sort of fields that need to be
filled in as such the ILP is self
assignable so that itself could act as
the deck relation or is the commitment
to having read these policies so maybe
for this one and all such from how what
we've done to then put this into the
alpi but maybe we just want a simple
form that isn't a sign so any learners
okay and why would we do that
it's because nothing needs to be filled
in we could have a a farm which states a
deck relation of that the learner has or
by signing this ILP it commits to having
acknowledged the these kinds of policies
okay I'll take him to a form in just a
moment that explains that a little bit
more detail commitment
program very similar however we're not
committing to policies here it's just
what Leela know the learners are
committing to that in the agreed that
the apprentices is most appropriate for
the linen program for the provided to
the individual the apprentice has the
opportunity in their job to gain the
knowledge skills and behaviors needed to
achieve their apprenticeship okay so oh
stuff I'm sure you guys are very
familiar with and then sound for plan of
training and this usually covers all the
learning games recognition of prior
learning initial assessments any support
additional support progressive news
occupational components okay so the
employees have any additional components
here and keep milestones and any other
components so that's what we're going to
base our ILP off today so to do so to
create an RP like I said we've probably
got information we already still in one
file and they might be some additional
information that we need to capture so
let's look at that bit first let's have
a look at the bits that we need to a
different information that we need to
capture okay so as a default my file
doesn't capture initial assessment
results for example now you may already
have it integrations over the likes of
BTS B okay so you may only have that
information in one file in which case we
don't need to do it again well let's say
we use four skills foscar's might not be
the best example we are currently work
for an integration with four skills it
should be mentioned okay but in here we
have a farm at some was created we won't
be creating any farms today just to get
let you guys know and we do have more
dedicated custom farm session which we
would recommend jumping up
have a look at this farm it just looks
like a simple form to capture well
initial assessment results good new
section for that ever percentages levels
got an area to actually upload the
certificate itself against aimed off for
literacy and same 5c and that the bottom
looks like it's got a declaration here
so who signed it off so cheated some
sound off from this date and I will
learn it mister people who signed off
Christie great so they kind of got a two
purposes written this farm now it's
acting as just the you know the record
of initial assessment results portfolio
but we're going to use that information
in our ILP as well now when it comes to
creating forms to pull into your ILP you
can get quite smart with it really okay
so that initial assessment one kind of
works in two ways because we may also
want to capture information anyway I
guess we wants it to be quite a nice
understandable form for tutors and other
people to use such as your employees
thank you everyone else if you were to
create a form just to have information
pull into the ILP it may not be so
pretty because of course it is then
gonna look different it's been pulled in
elsewhere so what we've done for this
particular farm is very much that any
additional information that we start
from this commitment statement we don't
capture in one file we've just gone to
heaven through onto one individual form
and you'll see that we've tried to
follow those same tabs as well so those
fourth times we had a long go along the
bottom such as cover sheet key policies
commitment and the actual plan of
training we followed that in this farm
here as well but again only capturing
that additional bits of information that
we don't as a default in one file so
we've put logos in this farm as well to
keep it nice and in brand I mentioned a
little bit early on we had nowhere to
EPA oh details so that's what we've done
in this farm as well we've given that a
bit of an area to record the details
about the EPA oh if you missed out
spelling mistakes in there as well but
no problem then we've got a time for
those key policies but again there's
nothing to fill in here it's just
detailing each of the policies and it
says hey we've got a lining saying by
styling this commitment statement the
representative signatories agree that
they have read and understood the
providers policies so on so on so in the
ILP itself could act as the deck
relation say if the commitments a
program is nothing to fill in here and
such but it just details the clearin as
you would have at the start of the
apprenticeship and then the plan of
training in here is well because like
this may have been started at
recognition of praying and learning
maths and English and learning supports
this as far as our example was going to
go today
we now have all the details that we want
to using the ILP captured on one file
okay so something always to think about
a new create in your ERP is what we want
to display do we already have that data
in the system so when it comes to
creating your own of course there's all
these sensor languages that can do this
so that's why we were logged in as a
sensor manager today if you head over to
the center only sense that we will have
an icon for ILP versions from here we
can either import existing forms so
something you might not been to aware of
where you can export your forms and see
if you've got your practice Center in
your live sensor you've been playing
around in your practice center to make
sure you build the correct format search
you could export it out of that Center
and import it into your live on using
that tool ok but we often use page to
create new lps as well you can see other
versions that we want to one have down
here as well so you don't have to the
same I repeat for each learner in fact
we probably wouldn't in the grand scheme
of things maybe so you have a different
one for different and different
employers of course are involved you may
have ones for different programs and
different learners as well let's go
ahead and create a new today it's a
whole idea for today is to kind of give
you guys an example of how to build one
let's go ahead on this test then we'll
call Italy yes if a commitment statement
okay so I'll try and get through as much
for this and as we can today but we'd
also have an example one that's been
fully built up just to show you guys if
we didn't get to the end of public
together because this stage may take
some time okay
now you can always edit your hairpiece
at least if you because once we save the
similar to your farms once you publish
it you can't do anything with it other
than completes it as such from the user
end of side of things as you have to
come back to it on publish it and then
you can make any amendments that you
like of course once you on publish it
means that ticular and it doesn't have
an active ILP so then just to bear in
mind okay so the inverts very similar to
the custom farm builder okay it's
probably just a few more things to pay
attention to so as a default is nothing
on this commitment staying on this ILP
rather other than these signatures okay
so this is who's gonna require a
signature from at the end so when it's
actually put into practice and published
on your sensor okay so following those
similar and similar things that
commitment statement so this is pretty
much what will be read creating is we
want that first tap so tap one cover
sheet so that's exactly we're gonna call
this first section it just really just
the same line with AB of course you can
call these and whatever you like you
might want to leave it as learner
details I've already forgot my was a
cover sheets yes it was cover sheet and
let's go ahead and call out and cover
sheets our first section I'm actually
gonna go ahead and add the other
sections now cuz of course when you
create the sections they come in as
enter and then you fill them with the
fields so tab 2 is key policies key
the program and tap for plan of training
tap for training okay so call our
sections in there all our tabs search
and so let's begin for the needs we
field and don't forget we're building
the ILP we're deciding at this stage
what it is that needs to be displayed in
our ILP so for the cover sheet we want
the likes of learning details we want
employee details and provider details as
well so let's go ahead and add fields
into our cover sheet okay the first bit
is learning details so by adding fields
what it will do it will pull in all the
sort of default areas so you can see
here in the first instance we've got one
file and then a little M colon and then
the area so anything that has one
fasteners means it's a default area of
the system okay so we've got two one
fact learner details we then have the
default fields that can be found on two
learners we then as you scroll down you
can see on the left-hand side we've got
custom data I mean it's a custom data
form it's followed by the actual title
there and but then each section of each
farm is sort of built up in such a way
you can also see our additional
information there so that you don't
cover sheet left image is good okay so
if won't learn the details first what's
in personal details you might need some
stuff in here as well
okay so firstly tells us about the user
itself so we do want first name last
name emails date of birth and we don't
need Ritchie's address we'll take in the
city minute what's our second the
additional support so first name last
name email day at birth that'll probably
do this throw those in okay so let's
build up the first section about
learners so anything else we need in
here you might want your unique number
see national insurance as well date
register center we definitely not one
and class if there's any learning
difficulties we'll pull those him so
we've got a lot of learning information
we now want providers and employers
information have a look at that and if
we head over to employers you'll have
the employer table there okay so the
employee table pretty much includes all
the existing details about the employer
account such as employees name so you've
got employees details as well well we
want BPA details as well so we did use
this in an additional form didn't we and
we actually created a farm for this so
you can see additional information for
commitment statement and tab one we can
into exactly the same things we know
exactly what we need to be pulling in in
here we have all of our data list I'm
gonna pull in all this because we need
all this EPO information pull all this
in and save okay so we now at this stage
we have pulled in all the information we
need for that first tab okay learner
details and things like that
now once you've pulled in all your
fields we can't pull them in and we
wanted some and you can't reorganize
them so of course this way it will you
say the first name then I'll display
last they'll then display email data
birth he'll display in the order we have
in it but we can't reach in that order
using the GUI buttons on each row okay
so let's take this one for example it's
the SFA's the logos and stuff and we
don't want that
halfway through the page we want that at
the very top so we can go ahead and use
those arrows and just keep knocking that
to the top section
kram said if you're doing this one by
one it may take a little more time so
you might want to pull it in in the
correct order but there we've put the
logos at the top yeah
and we've done the first section we've
got all the EPO information learner
details and employees details so what
was tapped to is key policies ok so
again I'll forget there's nothing to
really fill in here when it comes to
having this as a form not if all I need
to do is sign it off to say that they
confirm they've seen all those policies
don't forget we'll be signing the ILP
off so we know we've only created a
field first at me once again in that
custom form that we had we had a tap for
all our key pulses so let's go ahead and
pull that in that's all we need for
something just don't forget in that
declaration area we had that line the
declaration itself was supposed and then
we had links to each of the key policies
for the provider so even if the learners
hadn't seen the policies or concealed
the stage during the ILP sign off you
could have a learner's declaration and
confirmation there again commitments
program nothing seems to be added as
such nothing needs to fill in we already
have a farm with all the information
such as the Declaration and then the
responsibilities for the providers
employees and pull it in so we've not
done anything too technical really we
either the pulling in existing
information or pulling in and just
information from farms again we didn't
have to add too much now plan of
training I think we'll just touch upon
adding a few things in here and we'll
have a look at the example that we've
built up ok so let's have a look at tap
for in this instance this is the length
of prior learning initial assessment and
the learners have program details so to
pull this in let's go ahead and add
fields pull down our little section
again and we probably want for the likes
of learning games let's have a look at
the learning games that learns been
assigned okay you'll find that a lot of
the things that are default in one
fassl's employers user accounts tutors
or progress reviews things like this and
the only option that we have is learning
table don't be deferred by this
basically what we mean by learning games
able rather than giving you every single
field that relates to learning games in
this little text box we pop it all into
a table instead okay and even if we
select that table so let's go ahead and
bring that in we'll see what it does
okay so learning games table contains
all this information again you might be
thinking I don't actually need all that
there is just one or two fields I do
need well if you select anything that
has a table for example you can reorder
the format or the the Roger that they're
cut at the end and you can also remove
as well so you can say okay so at least
for the offensive standards perhaps that
we don't need the Eevee's name this lets
get rid of our external verifier you may
not need awarding body you might not
need end up code there's a few things
about not need here such registration
number friends on your delivery your ILP
is how you want it to look what's
contained in there because you can add
and remove the things in the tables as
well but not be deferred when you select
them from the ILP page they it only
comes up with learning aids table the
learning games table or the cutest table
employees table contains every field in
relation to that section ok so if we had
a look at likes of reviews as well so
into portfolio we've got like the
timesheet table Review table journal
table and even the plans table in there
as well so again let's pull in the plans
then we can have a look at that one if
we were seeking to customize what's
actually displayed in there do we need
the title Union date set and we don't
need dates issues arising not for this
ok we'll leave the feedback and again
after you cuz like this however you like
okay so we pretty much you've got there
there's of course some important
components for stuff there even if we
were basing off the commitment statement
but I can probably just take a bit of
time to build these supports great is
that once it's built it's there it's
done it's on your Center if you ever
need to create a slight variation of it
you can come back open it and give it a
different name
save it as something else and hopefully
he'll never be too much admin once
you've actually built your set ILP so
I'd have an example here we'll quickly
look at this we'll assign it to a
learner and then we'll have a look at
how it actually looks from the learners
portfolio page okay so this one's it's
folding the exact same sample and
example rather however it's probably had
a little bit more time and put into it
here okay so you can actually see if
separated logos but that's fine it's not
problem cover sheets of course learner
information to to employ information
placement and then EPA Oh key policies
and commitments exact same there and
then for their plan of training the
pooled in the learning games table unit
table review table plant save on
timesheets able recognition of prior
learning which think was a custom farm
and then you've got in the bits about
initial assessments as well pull it in
that information from the four skills
and initial assessments resorts form
that we looked at at the very start you
can see that we have everyone signing it
off as well good stuff so let's actually
Sally still a learner since we can't see
what the ILP looks like when it does
pull through all this information okay
so it's are sending to learners you can
do so through the episode page we can
also do it from this ILP page as well so
let's go ahead and open up the learners
then gives us our usual filtering
business let's open up our cohort one
there as sound it's mr. Pete blunt PKS
on his farm two selected learners okay
so that's been assigned soon let's go
ahead and jump to mr. peeps and
portfolio and then what
have assigned an ILP we'll find
underneath progress I mean you'd usually
find on this progress that we'll just
make sure have correctly assigned that
perhaps you can assign it to a another
learner as well let's just double check
this let's just remove and then Reese
let's just in case I did something wrong
once more for the that okay it's from
back throughout our learner mr. Pete
okay so it wasn't a sense mr. Pete blue
there perhaps have done something wrong
down the stages um but yes there's one
assigned to mr. Michael Jacobs here it
might be slightly different basically
what you want to see is that ILP
actually working from interaction okay
so we just jumped into this learners and
ILP here this might pull in information
from different and farms by the way and
but basically just so you can see how
it's pulling information in once you've
spent all that time building the the
farms this was like a different version
say let's look at the current version do
you know it does make sense if you have
to jump back very quickly we haven't
published from memory they hadn't
published the IOP itself no okay so you
go this is probably a bit important
thing to point out actually mm okay so
once you're happy with your ILP you have
to publish it I should do with the form
so you can see in the states here is
promptly pending okay which means even
though it's assigned to learners it's
not available to use so if jimin's
therapy top right corner we have the
publish button let's turn it on so
whilst it's off we can edit it and
design it and once it's published we
cannot you can always come back and
publish it as such now we're showing a
bit better look let's jump back so mr.
people who have sorry about that guys
jump back to the portfolio let's open up
the ILP the one that we've actually been
working on to make bit more sense and
here we have this we got that commitment
thing with the logos at the top the
cover sheet pulling existing learner
information cheaters employers and
placements but then also that EPA
information as well the key policies and
commitments to programs they're no
fields to fill in as such but this can
act like a commitment though rather as
the declaration itself same with the
commitment to program but of course is
covers both tutors learners and
employers and then plan of training in
which we've pulled in the learning Ames
table so all the learning games of this
lens work in Swans
unit table review table teaching and
learning plan table its lens has lots
of plans valuing a timesheet table we're
also working into getting off the job to
naturally appear as well into the IOPS
and then only the recognition of prior
learning and initial assessment results
in here is where we can see any
additional support the whole idea with
the IOPS is that each time you do a
progress of you or each time it comes to
a an achievement milestone you create a
Sanibel copper it will then take a
screenshot of this IRP because this is a
live document it's constantly updating
if you go ahead and change the learners
last name your ILP will update so to
sort of take a screenshot a snapshot of
how that data was time so just a
progress of you create assignable
contact it takes a screenshot of that
information then sends its each person
to sign such as the cheaters the
learners employers and I think I
possibly as well and I think they can
have a accessible to read or think they
need to say it okay so that is IO be
sorry guys I didn't know it's there we
ran it over a few moments there due to
my slight negligence at not publishing
your farm I always check and
troubleshoot make sure you've published
it make sure you were sent it to the
learners okay that has been today's
session hopefully that was useful to
people I don't think we've ever really
done a public IOP session like this at
least not on a good while and so
hopefully that's give you guys a better
idea of how to build those and you know
we're always saying have a thinking
about what you want your ILP to display
okay and then think about break it up
into right what does one file already
have and what data does one file not
have and then for the stuff that you
don't have you're gonna think about do
want it display in one file is it worth
creating a custom form to capture okay
and then of course build all those
things and then have it all pull into
the IRP itself
I'll have a look at a few questions in
just a moment so if you haven't already
please do begin preparing in those
forever now so isn't sniffing around for
questions thank you very much for
attending this morning do hope it's been
useful and actually have a look at al
peas and how they are created within the
okay so ever no isn't sticking around
thank you for attending I do hope you
enjoy the rest of your week now we're
back in just
few seconds