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Covered in this webinar:

  • Look-up tables
  • Registers
  • Criteria Groups
  • Declarations
  • Grading
  • Framework Templates
  • Creating a Scorecard
Webinar Transcript

good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and

welcome to another set of onboarding

training webinars

here from onefile my name's jake i'll be

your presenter for today

i'm actually the onboarding project

specialist here at onefile

so i guess for those who've yet to be

introduced to the new onboarding team a

new team that was put together

in april of this year the whole idea of

the team is to better equip

our users with resources and knowledge

that they need

to effectively use one file so since

april we've been busy creating brand new

guides written

and video i've been creating libraries

of forms that you guys can download that

we can pop onto your center

and we've also been running these live

training sessions

we've recently taken a break however but

a short time we took some time off

from the webinars

collected the feedback and listened

to a few of the comments from you guys

and from that we've been able to write


new webinars and we've gone ahead and

retired some older ones as well so to

actually begin

today i thought it'd be a good idea to

see exactly what one file has running

between now and christmas

okay so again if you're yet to be

introduced to the onboarding team

then you probably haven't seen this page

as of yet

it's not attached to our website it's

usually a link that we've been sending


but everything that the onboarding team

have been doing will be found

on this particular web page okay just in

case anyone wants to visit this

later on after the session i will

drop it into the chat

so hopefully everyone should receive

that okay

it's like i said everything we do for

from our team is always put onto this


okay any sessions that we've done as

well we do also record our webinars

however we only record one version of

each kind of webinar

and so you know please do allow a few

weeks before these new ones find their

way on there but you'd find that under

recorded webinars

okay if you jump into webinar training

to see what we have running so we've

still got our center manager

sessions both intermediate and

advanced of course we'll be doing the

intermediate today

we've still got a session that focuses

on reporting within one file

for tutors we've now got the full range

of webinars foundation intermediate and


for features and products the handful to

start points out here would probably be

individual learning plans

progress reviews and teaching learning


for other users we've still got the

likes of our iqas our learners

employers and observers as well and then

finally a brand new type of webinar that

we've put together

advice and guidance okay so we've got

sessions before

planning your creation of intent within

one file what to prepare for audit and

compliance inspections

and how to prepare for ofsted using one


okay so please do have a look at this

page and book onto as many webinars as

you like we'd love to see you all

attend okay but today's session

is about center manager at the

intermediate level so today's session

relax as a

an introduction really into a lot of

these sort of sensor management features

things that sensor members may need to

set up

before you go ahead and actually use the

system for delivering

before we jump in though there is some

housekeeping to get out of the way so

somewhere on your screen right now

usually anchored right there should be a

go to webinar panel

a couple of features on this panel

one that may interest you the most


is questions so if at any point

throughout today's session you have any

questions comments or concerns then

please do feel free to pop them into the

question box

however it will be the end of the

sessions which we have a look at these

as for today's session it'll probably

run for around 25 to 30 minutes

then any time left over at the end there

will be used to answer your questions

and finally feedback surveys at the end

of today's session whether you guys

leave or whether i end it from my side

you should be presented with a feedback

survey in your usual internet browser

we'd greatly appreciate if you could

take that time to complete that survey

it's only around

five multiple choice questions long so i

only need to take around 30 seconds or

so but we would greatly appreciate

that's what helps us determine

when you guys may want certain sessions

and webinars and mending

okay one last check let me just make

sure that everything's working from this


which it looks like it is good stuff so

sensor manager that intermediate level

what is it that we'll be covering today

oh did we catch all that i went to a

slide too far then

okay so during this session we will look

to cover lookup tables and exactly what

they are and what they're used for

we'll have a look at the registers

function we'll touch upon the likes of

criteria groups and deck relations

we'll have a look at the grading ranges

and how we can set those up within the


talk about framework templates and show

you guys how to create a

scorecard so without wasting any more

time let's get rid of the presentation

and jump into one file for today's


so of course we'll be hosting today from

that center manager's perspective

and as this is the first sentiment

session in our

tiers if you like your difficulties and

this is what you guys

see when you first log in if you're yet

to log in

okay there's quite a few things to point

out here but the first place actually

wants to take everyone

is hidden within the right hand corner

over here so

this right hand corner is more for your

your toolbox if you like you have your


tab okay which you can open up you

can see the likes of

your settings data so you can have a

look at profile and appearance settings

as well

we've also got likes of your task list

which can again be selected to be

expanded there we can also expand it

using the blue button

at the bottom and we've also got

messages as well

okay but the first place i actually want

to take you was back into your account

tab there

and within appearance settings within

the appearance settings

we do allow you to select different

themes for your account

this is mainly in line with

accessibility needs

again if you know if there's anyone with

dyslexia struggles to see text boxes

stand out on a web page

and hopefully a few of these themes will

help alleviate any of that stress

we also use a rag system throughout the

website so your reds amber's greens or

traffic light system

as some people like to call it again if

there's any sort of difficulties or just

objections against those colors

we allow you to change them as well and

finally at the bottom of page

fonts and font sizes once again it's

going to be down to preference so it

could be down to an accessibility


and we do allow you to pick your

preferred fonts and your preferred font

size just in case

you are locked out of your internet


settings a few employees do do that they

lock down the settings of course

and the staff members can't mess with

network things too often

but just in case that is the case with

yourselves then we do allow you to

change the fun

through your appearance settings in one

file instead now any of these settings

only change it for your account

and it may not necessarily be so useful

for yourself but you may know someone

else who would benefit

from playing around with some of these

settings so always it's good to be aware

of the appearance settings within one


but okay let's jump back to the home

page where we're greeted by this lovely


dashboard okay it should be mentioned

that this dashboard is

well each user role does get their

own dashboard rather

it determines which role that is depends

on what they get access to

so the whole idea of dashboard is to

have these visual

representations of reports giving you

little snippets of information

about your center now as you guys are

the center managers your dashboard is

the biggest and has the most information

and the information that you are looking

at as mentioned is looking at your whole

center your tutors dashboards for

example would only be

in relation to the learners that they

have assigned to them

their workload what's good about these

dashboards is that we can actually click

instant to see the information that's

behind so for example we've got learners

on target here

we've got a few differences in here so

if you wanted to know the five learners

that looks like they're not

on target we can actually select that

section the pie chart and it takes us


to a report with those five learners

with further progress information

okay so you can actually click through

into all of those reports and within the


okay and if you guys join onto the

advanced session as well for center

managers we show you how you can

actually customize

these dashboards for each and every user


okay so as sensor managers you guys are

pretty much

considered the main admins for your

center okay you'll be creating all the

other accounts

you'll be setting these center settings

you would be setting up other areas of

the system

for the likes of your learners and

tutors and iqas and employers

to then follow through with their

delivery plans okay so there is

a few things that you guys may want to

be aware of and some things might not be


obvious from first glance okay so the

first place we're actually going to

visit today

is look up tables okay so we can find

lookup tables on the center

we can always find center underneath

your home page or fail in that you can

access it through the left hand menu

where we do highlight some of the other

main features as well

so for example if we select center okay

and then we're looking for a yellow

there we are we've got yellow cylinder

there for lookup

tables now lookup tables isn't too

self-explanatory this is where we

thought we'd start with this one today

and look up tables is basically a page

to keep other

category lists or other grouping

categories within one file

okay and so that might sound a little

bit confusing as we're gonna we're gonna

go through each of these today

and so you guys have got a better idea

for what each is used for

so we'll begin on the right hand side

with time sheet categories

so what we mean by timesheet categories

is once

where learners complete activities

within the system there's two kinds of

activities that we have within one file

one of those is a traditional assessment

type activity

okay and then the other is a journal

activity now

the general entry general activities are

usually to record the likes of

off-the-job activities

any sort of reflective accounts or

pretty much anything that isn't


or directly mapped to criteria or the

knowledge skills and behaviors back

within the learning standard

okay so here's some examples that we

have on my center already

okay so the learners get sent to a

classroom session

workshop session things like that are

they working towards functional skills

will they be attending an industry

event maybe it's some one-to-one


online learning reading and you see i've

got off the job in brackets there for

my categories which obviously relevant

to off the job which takes us to our

next part of the table on the right hand


we have these different columns and

within those are little tick boxes


and each of them means a different thing

so if we to highlight

any of these categories as a learning


okay that means it will then become

available to choose from the list of

activity types

when a learner goes to record a learning


if we select it to be default of the job

that means any time recorded

against that activator will

automatically feed into the learner's

offer job

if of course the off the job feature has

been turned off your center

and then we also have induction as well

if you want that method to be included

in your learner's inductions so it's

just a case of creating a new category

at the top

giving that category a new name and

selecting which of these

tick boxes are most relevant for that

particular category

once you happen always remember to click

save on the row or at the bottom of the

page in this case because we're using

the table

it'll always be within the rows on the

right hand side

okay moving on to provider so within the

system you can

record all the likes of the providers

that you have or

in association with all your prime

sensors perhaps what

is useful about this you know this is

also an area that will match up with

your mis

systems as well if you have any

integrations with one file and your miss

so you could automatically sort of

create these

but the use of having your providers

within the system is that you can then

sort of

group your learners by provider and then

that's a great tool for reporting

later on similar thing here we just go

ahead and create a new provider

give us an area to enter a new name

placement document categories okay so


within the system we can record the

likes of placement documents

okay so when you're working with a new

employer you'll probably want to make

sure they think

they've got certain things in place such

as health and safety

you know insurance employers liability

and policies things like that or perhaps

even your own contracts

now what's great about storing them

within one file and why you would make

why you may want to do that is that you

can also put expiry dates on those


when you upload them which basically

means you've got a report which will

tell you

when certain health and safety policies

with certain employers are going to

expire so you guys can stay on top of

the matter and ask for a more updated


moving on to learning game statuses so

learning game status

is it's a way of putting a status to a

learning game

okay so the best example of this is if

you have a couple of learning games

assigned to your learners

and they've already claimed a

certificate for some of them or they've

completed some of them or perhaps if

they're working towards some of them

you can actually give each learning game

a status that's been assigned to the


okay those are the three examples that i

have on my center

once again it's just a case of clicking

the create button you're given a text


to record your new status name

learner statuses similar to learning

game statuses however this is on the

learner itself

okay so on the learner's portfolio this

can actually be displayed

and again the reason you might want to

label your learners is to record the


of long-term absence have you got a

learner who's going through an attention

to leave at the moment so you know you

wouldn't expect

much progress during that period and

again you wanted that to show on reports

well using the learner status would be a

great way to do so

very similar except something different

here with the learner status you can

actually give the status a color

okay this lets us change the color of

the font so if we were to label one of

our learners as

on target using this bottom one here

then the actual text itself on the lunar

portfolio on target would be in green

again just sort of indicated so perhaps

if you're on the learner's profile

and you want to know if they were

quickly at risk then as you scroll

through that stark red

will probably stand out a little bit

easier or green if of course the learner

is on target

we're actually going to skip courses

today of course this has been superseded

by a new feature within one file so

we're not going to touch upon that one


but we will have a look at absence codes

okay so absence codes are used with the

registers feature within one file

okay so you can basically create your

own absence code so reasons for learners

not attending

certain group sessions okay to give you

guys a better context of this in fact

just so you know how to create your own

codes as well again it's the big blue


you can give it the code a name and then

an actual abbreviation as well it's

probably the abbreviation that we'll see

more often not in registers okay to give

you guys a better idea

of what i mean by registers that's

actually where we're gonna head to next

so if i jump back to my home page

okay and underneath

center we have registered here yeah it

looks like the calendar icon

okay so the whole idea of registers is

basically if you have group sessions

with learners

okay so perhaps they get sent to a

college one day a week or

for the start of their program for a

couple of weeks you know perhaps there


sessions where they get sent to

certain centers

with a certain tutor to talk about

certain theory topics about their


whatever group session or any time you

need to record

time against multiple users learners


then registers would probably be the way

to go

so when it comes to registers first of

all center managers have to create

registers but from there once the

register has been created

a tutor can go ahead and create an

instance of that register a

session as many times as they'd like so

to create a new register click the big

blue create button okay we can then

filter through our classes

and to sort of have a look at the

learners in those you can see i've just

selected my cover part one there

i've got all the learners from that

cohort as i select them

from the left hand side they work the

way to the selected learners box on the

right hand side

okay you can give your

register a title okay we'll just call it

register new there

and there's also an option here to

record lightness

okay this will actually have an effect

on the amount of time that then gets

recorded for that learner

and so of course if you want that if

it's a case of it's been sent to

an off the job activity but a certain

learner was an hour late

it wouldn't necessarily be fair if that

learner received the same time recorded

against that activity

as all the other learners who weren't

late so we're going to take this

just so i can show you guys what that

does we'll go ahead and save this

register it's only got a couple of

learners in this instance

but you can share different learners

from different classes as well

okay and then the register will appear

down here in the register list

your tutors will come over when it comes

to creating a session itself and

recording those times

okay so if we select cohort one there

we can pop in the start dates the end

dates the location

whether this has been completed is off

the job or not which assessor

was conducting this session

okay actually i have to put my location

in there

and once that's saved the session can

begin okay you can

add learners at any point but the whole

idea of the register is basically to

record whether a learner had attended

okay so both my learners had attended

here except mr blue

was late so on the right-hand side you

can see because i've selected that

record lightness i've now get this

option to record

how late mr blue was okay and for the

sake of the

demonstration there let's go ahead and

say mr jacobs was absent

we then on the right hand side to get

the options of those absence codes that

we could create

to choose from okay that does actually

tell you across the top as well the key

that you created

okay so absence and authorized absence

in my case

okay once the tutor's happy they could

sign this save and then the time

recorded in between the starts and end

times there will then actually work


the learner's off the job percentage

okay except mr

blue here for example will actually get

docked 50 minutes

because he was 50 minutes late

okay so that's a great way of recording

attendance for sessions

group sessions but it's also

currently the only way to record

off the job for multiple learners at


okay so bear that in mind you may want

to use that in the future if you do use

assistance required you're off the job

okay moving on to deck relations

okay so we're actually going to find

that underneath quality which again we

can find on the main home page we have

to scroll down a little bit further

before we can find quality

but quality can also be accessed through

the left-hand menu

okay and it's deck relations that we

want okay which is here

so what we mean by decoration so each


a user has to sign off work or signs off

a a unit

say that unit has been completed you'll

traditionally it's always come with a


that follows something similar to these

sentences i confirm that the evidence


for this unit is authentic and a true

representation of my own work

i am satisfied and so on and so on so of

course we have default declarations for

each possible situation in one file we

can see that

using this table so in the first column

we can see what page that declaration

sits on

the next which user appears to before we

sign it off

and then the actual the deck relation

line itself

okay so you can see when a learner goes

to sign off an assessment

and theirs will be i agree that the

information provider is an accurate

account of what has taken place

now for whatever reason depending if

you're in a different industry a

specialized industry or not

you may have your own version of that

declaration it might be something that

each user has to actually commit to when

they sign off work

so you can customize the declarations

within our system to match your own

it's just a case of using the buttons on

the right hand side for each

decoration selecting a new version and

you've quite simply given a text box and

it's either type up your new decoration

or copy and paste if it's coming in from

another document one thing to be aware

of though is that you

there's no sort of a version control if

you like so you can't have different

deck relations

you know or multiple declarations for

each of these situations

it's just there is one and you can

either use the default one or you can go


and create your own

okay guys moving on to grading

once again we'll find gradient

underneath quality i'll stay on my

homepage this time and we'll just scroll


okay and it's this icon here

okay so the whole idea of grading within

one file

so as your tutors mark off work mark off

assessments learning activities with

your learners

and depending on what sort of a program

it is that you're delivering

you may want to give the learner a grade

okay our grading feature within one file

actually allows you to grade individual

assessments or tasks okay so you can

pretty much

build a a working grade you see what the

learner's working towards

sort of throughout their program even if

you are

working towards or delivering rather

apprenticeship standards

you there's still some uses having the

grading function switched on

for your center okay i do have a couple

examples for that but first of all we'll

go ahead and we'll create a new grade or

grade range

and show you guys exactly how you do


so once we're on grading it probably

takes you to the grading ranges

which is this middle tab if we just

start on the left hand tab and we'll

work our way right

okay so i've already selected the left

hand tab here which is just great

and first of all the grade is well it's

the individual grades it's the type of

grades that we want

okay you can see the examples i have in

my sense here for the reference we've

got a p

but the descriptions are pass okay you

can probably see where this is going

we've got an m for your merits we've got

these few distinctions

and then something totally different

we've got abc a more traditional sort of

grading range

and then we've got likes of working

towards pass working towards merit

and distinction so the whole idea here

is that these are individual grades

okay they're actually three different

kinds of grading

formats if you like that's because once

we've created these individual grades

we then move along on to the next tab

which is grade ranges

where we then collect those grades

together and say okay abc should be used


passionate distinction should be used

together and then the other one i've got

at the bottom is working towards

okay so if we just go back to grades if

we go ahead and create a grade it's just

a case of giving a reference

and giving it a description once you're

happy with that we move on to grade


we'll go ahead and create a new one okay

we can give that grade range a title

so if we just say abc for example you

get a list of all the available grades

on your center and then we can say yep a


it's not quite b was it so a b c

we've even got d there as well even

though that i think that's going to be

used for distinction but not a problem

you can see we've got

four grades there that we can now use

within that grade range

you've created your grade range you can

then move on to the final tab which is

assessment grading

which is basically saying what methods

can use this grading range or what


okay so maybe it's the case for

classes or rather learners within

business class

okay and anytime that our case studies

used our case studies created rather

then i want the abc scale to be used

and that is mandatory okay which means

that the tutors will have to give a

grade when they sign that

assessment off okay so you're pretty

much defining

when does this grading range be used for

your tutors

now if i just pull you your attention

back to the grade ranges there

and i had one called working towards

we've seen quite a few of our sensors

use this

for the likes of apprenticeship

standards because of course you can't


any work that a learner is doing because

it's all sort of just working towards

the end point that's the only time

that the learner's new apprenticeship

standards would get graded it would be

that end point assessment

okay there's technically no assessments

within the new standard delivery

so what we have a few centers doing is

using this working towards pass

working towards merit and working

towards distinction that way

tutors are still able to give some sort


constructive grading to the learners

letting them know that they're currently

working at a past

level okay it seems like you're working

towards that if you're to go through the

epa now

of course we want you to get you up to

at least a merit possibly even a


okay so the grain can still be really

useful even if you are delivering

apprenticeship standards

okay guys just a few more things to have

a look at today

the next one being a framework templates

so we're going to head over to center

once again and it's the document with

the little cog

icon called framelit templates

okay so some of you may have guessed

what this feature does

it is very sort of in line with

traditional sort of apprenticeships and

when it's always frameworks

but the whole idea of a framework

template in one file is that you

basically can predefine

a set of learning games ready for when

you get new cars of learners

okay i think a great example of this is

with they sent the apprenticeship

standards at the moment

they'd likely be working towards the

standard itself the knowledge skills and


you may then have a curriculum of intent

that they're actually working towards

they're the points that you guys

have said you'll deliver to the

employers you might also be working

towards functional skills

and then certainly if you're doing

through one file we'll add an additional

thing such as gateway to endpoint

assessment and then the endpoint

assessment itself

so alone there's about six components or

elements now

that may make up a line's apprenticeship

each time you get a new learner or a

whole class of learners

you don't want to be going into each

learner individually and adding those

six learning games and repeating those

starts and end dates

over and over and over again so a

framework template is a way of


and pre-defining a standard or a


with several components with several

learning games

so let's go ahead and create a new one

i'm going to use my example of customer


now we can pre-sort of define the

default unit start date

and the anticipated completion date for

each of these and so i'm actually going

to pop this at

sort of 18 months for the completion

date because that's

near enough how much apprenticeship

standard seems to take nowadays with the

epa included

okay in fact i also know that they'll be

doing an induction to which we don't

have as a learning game

for the first month so i don't want any

of the units to start until at least one


in okay once you've defined that you can

then select the

learning games that make up this


i'm going to use the top bar the

search bar at the top side to pull out

my customer service practitioner


and then the additional bits with it

such as gateway to endpoint on program


and endpoint assessment itself

okay we could add functional skills as

well if you if you're delivering those

and let's go ahead we'll pull out a

level one english maths there

and then once you're happy click save

okay so we've got six components in this

apprenticeship standard and we could if

we wanted to

change the starts and end dates for

each component if they differ of course

perhaps functional skills will be

delivered before we even move on to the

actual curriculum itself

once you're happy with your learning

games you can then move on to unit


it's now going to come up with each

learning game that you've selected and

basically pretty much checks to make

sure that each unit's included that you

need for your program

so when it comes to the standards yeah

we need knowledge skills and behavior so

yep good

for that we actually in my case i need

all of these units

the unit selection is only really


if again if you if you're delivering

sort of traditional nvqs with things

with pathways and stuff like that where

there is

optional units that the learners can


because i'm trying to work my way

through and selecting save on each of

those because i actually need all those


and i've already been selected okay and

then again we can have a look at on a

unit level

changing the different dates and

completion dates as well if we wish to

again if you know the likes of endpoint

assessment it won't be done until the

end of learner's program

then make sure you put the start date

there of course one file may incorrectly

sort of record progress

but once you have click save and then

there's your template complete

and then each time you get a new color

as learners it's just case i've come to

this templates page

looking at your table selecting a sign

from the options on the right hand side

and you can filter through your tutors

class placements providers or just

search via keyword names

and then select the learners you wish to

assign this

framework to and then

you can click the blue button saying

assign to selected learners

okay it's a much more efficient way of


the learning games and setting the

program for each learner within the


okay guys as we reach the 30 minute mark

there's one last thing that would like

to show you guys today

and that is how to create a scorecard

now it should be mentioned that the

scorecard is only available

through onefile's learning hub the only

add-on that one file has

for those who are unaware the learning

cup is a new feature set it was

introduced at the beginning of the year

that's been specifically designed

to help with apprenticeship standard

delivery within that feature set it


three new features there's a

learner journal okay and more on a more

updated sort of dedicated area for

learners record off the job information

it has the interactive course builder so

you guys can create new sort of

interactive ways of you know getting

knowledge and delivering knowledge over

to your learners you can also test them

with the likes of

interactive quizzes at the end and they

can be mapped to criteria

really useful and then it also


a learner scorecard a learner scorecard

is a

function for the learners that allows

them to score themselves in regards to

their confidence for each of their

knowledge skills and behaviors

or curriculum of intent whichever it is

that you will be delivering

before anyone can actually use that

scorecard one must be created by the

center manager

so i'm going to work my way over to the

quality area

and it should be an icon and again this

is only if you do have i have the add-on

if you don't but would like more

information and please do speak to your

success managers or we do actually have

a learning hub webinar which you're more

than welcome to join

okay so we're going to jump into

scorecard rating scales here

first of all it's going to present us

with all these scales that we have but

we're going to go ahead and create a new

one just so you guys are aware of what

you can do with the scorecards


okay so here's all the ones on my center

already i'm going to create a new one

using the big blue button at the top

so this is the rating scale itself can

you get the numbers one to ten here

okay so this is what the learners will

be presented with but this page is just

allowing us to customize this however we


first of all we probably want to give

the scorecard a name okay you can

actually have different scorecards per

learning games

so you might want to call it after the

learning game itself

rating prompts think of that as your

learning instructions okay so perhaps

you want to give your learners a bit

more detail there so they understand

what it is

that you're asking of them and then

everything else on the page

helps you customize this scale itself

right down from the numbers

in the boxes the hints underneath the


that color gradient that we can see that

red to green and the actual amount of


themselves okay so you can see the

ratings here so if we change this to

12 or 21 for example you can see it

changes it up there

if we change this you can see it changes

the hints up there as well

because it's completely up to you guys

on how you want to design these and if

you want to design them you're more than

welcome to just do this the default 11

point scale if you wish to

and if you want to delete rows to have

less than 10 we can go ahead and

use the little trash cans there you can

see that scale gets smaller at the top

once you're happy always remember to

click publish

once you've published you then need to

assign it to a learning game before

learners can actually begin

scoring themselves so i've published

that i've quickly jumped out back to the

home page

and then underneath the center there

should be a learning

aims icon so for those who've never seen

this page

this is where we keep all your learning

games to your center okay so it's a big

long table like this

and the column we're looking for is

rating scale templates here on the right

hand side

and it's just a case of finding your

standard or finding the learning game

that you want to put a scale to

hit the drop down and you should be able

to see that all the dropdowns that you

have published on your center

okay once you've selected the rating

scale always remember to click save at

the bottom of the page

now any learner working towards this

particular standard will be able to use

the scorecard and begin to rate

themselves in regards to their own


against each of the knowledge skills and


okay guys that is everything we had to

show today we tried to squeeze quite a

lot into today's intermediate session

i do hope you found it useful and i'll

be taking questions in just a moment so

if you haven't already

please do begin preparing those and i'll

see if

i can provide any further help and

support to anyone if anyone says that

sticking around

thank you for attending this afternoon i

do hope it's been useful i hope there's

been a few things there you can at least

go away

you know either chat to your sensor

manager or if you are the center manager

a few things that you may

want to begin thinking about to help

with your center's delivery

okay so you've got to stick around thank

you very much for attending i do hope to

see you but on some more sessions in the


and bye bye for now for everyone else

i'll be back in just a few ticks to

answer your questions

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