Eportfolio Mobile App Update

Our newest mobile app update is now available, grab your free download now!

Apple App Store ➡️ OneFile Eportfolio App on the App Store (apple.com)  version 1.0.19

Google Play Store ➡️ OneFile Eportfolio – Apps on Google Play   version 1.0.19

Release notes can be found here.

Important Update

Support for the old OneFile Eportfolio app (yellow icon) ends on 28th February 2025. To avoid losing access or data, please ensure the app has synced, then uninstall it and download the new OneFile Eportfolio app (blue icon) from the Google Play or Apple App Store. 

 Find out more here: OneFile : Important: Action Required - Update to OneFile Eportfolio App

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Creating and publishing custom data forms

  User Roles

This feature can be used by the following user roles:

  • Centre Manager


Design and assign forms

Forms can be used to capture information that can't already be stored in OneFile. Once a Form has been created, it gets published into a particular area, which determines where the new fields appear and who can complete the fields.

Create a new form Create a Section Add Fields

To create a new Form:

  1. Click Centre in the navigation menu
  2. Click Forms
  3. Click Create New Form
  4. Enter a Form name and click Create

Publish the Form

Once all of the required sections and fields have been added, you'll need to publish the form to make it Live.

  1. Click Publish at the top of the page
  2. Select the Publish Option, which determins where the form will appear and who can complete it
  3. Click On
  4. Click Save
Publish OptionForm can be completed byDescription

Learner Tab

Centre Manager

User Manager

Displayed as a tab on the Learner’s portfolio. Only be visible to Centre Managers and User Managers

Learner Portfolio




Centre Manager

Learner & Assessor

Displayed on the learner's portfolio. Visible to all users who can access the learner’s portfolio.

Assessment Plan


Displayed in the learner’s Assessment Plan.

The form will only appear in the plan if assigned assigned to the Learner when the plan is created.

Learner Review




Displayed in the Learner’s Review.

The form will only appear in the Review if assigned assigned to the Learner when the Review is created.

Assessor Observation


Used when an IV Observes an Assessor

Learner Interview


Used when an IV Interviews a Learner

Learner Template



Class Form Delegate

Centre Manager

Displayed on the learner's portfolio The form can be filled out and signed multiple times for the same learner.

Only the first person in the list can sign and complete the fields.

Persist Data

Please note that the option to persist data is only available in Assessment Plans and Reviews.

If you enable this option, the data from the previous Assessment Plan or Review will automatically be pulled through to the new Plan or Review.

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