Eportfolio Mobile App Update - Version 1.0.13

Our newest mobile app update is now available, Grab your free download now!

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Software Update: Wednesday 9th October 2024 7am to 7:30am

On Wednesday, we're updating OneFile Eportfolio, to introduce a new enhancement.  

Please ensure all data is saved and your Eportfolio account is logged out before 7am to avoid any data loss.

Release notes can be found here.

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Assigning Framework Templates, Standards and Units via the API

This series of guides, will provide information on how to build a data integration with a 3rd party system, using the OneFile API:

  1. Initial data download using API
  2. Creating and managing users via the API
  3. Assigning users to learners via the API
  4. Assigning Framework Templates, Standards and Units via the API

To assign Standards and Units to a learner, you can do this individually, by assigning the standards and then the units. However, if Framework templates have already been set up by a Centre Manager, you can assign the Framework Template, which will autoamtically assign the pre-selected Standards and Units, as well as other values that can be set in a Framework Template, such as start dates, end dates and weightings.

First of all, you'll need to search for the Standards, Units or Framework Templates you want to assign:

ObjectDescriptionSearch Endpoint
Framework TemplateA collection of Standards and Units, created via the interface as a Centre ManagerPOST /api/v2.1/FrameworkTemplate/Search
StandardA qualification or standard, containing unitsPOST /api/v2.1/Standard/Search
UnitA unit or module within a Standard, containing the learning outcomes and criteriaPOST /api/v2.1/Unit/Search

Once you've got a list of FrameworkTemplateIDs, StandardIDs and/or UnitIDs, you can use the following calls to assign them to a learner:

Assign a Framework Template to a Learner

POST /api/v2.1/FrameworkTemplate/{id}/Assign/{userId}/{onlyChangeAssigned}

Assigning a Framework Template to a Learner generates learning aims and unit summaries.

You can call the Learning Aim Search and Unit Summary Search endpoints to see the details of the learning aims and unit summaries assigned to the learner, shown below

POST /api/v2.1/LearningAim/Search/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

    "UserID": {id}
POST /api/v2.1/UnitSummary/Search/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

    "UserID": {id}

Assign a Standard to a Learner

POST /api/v2.1/Standard/{id}/Assign/{learnerID}

Assigning a Standard to a Learner generates a Learning Aim. The LearningAimID will be returned a new Standard is assigned to a learner.

You can now call the Learning Aim Search endpoint to see all of the Learning Aims assigned to the learner:

POST /api/v2.1/LearningAim/Search/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

    "UserID": {id}

Assign a Unit to a Learner

POST /api/v2.1/Unit/{id}/Assign/{learnerID}/{standardID}

Assigning a Unit to a Learner generates a Unit Summary. The UnitSummaryID will be returned when a Unit is assigned to a learner.

You can now call the Unit Summary Search endpoint to see all of the Unit Summaries assigned to the learner:

POST /api/v2.1/UnitSummary/Search/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

    "UserID": {id}

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