Important Update

Support for the old OneFile Eportfolio app (yellow icon) ends on 28th February 2025. To avoid losing access or data, please ensure the app has synced, then uninstall it and download the new OneFile Eportfolio app (blue icon) from the Google Play or Apple App Store. 

 Find out more here: OneFile : Important: Action Required - Update to OneFile Eportfolio App

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Assigning users to learners via the API

This series of guides, will provide information on how to build a data integration with a 3rd party system, using the OneFile API:

  1. Initial data download using API
  2. Creating and managing users via the API
  3. Assigning users to learners via the API
  4. Assigning Framework Templates, Standards and Units via the API

To change the Default Assessor, or the Default Employer, call the POST /api/v2.1/User/{id} endpoint.

Other users can be assigned to learners by calling the POST /api/v2.1/User/{id}/Assign endpoint.

The level property is used to specify how the user is to be assigned to the learner.

Assignment LevelUser Role(s)LevelAdditional Body Data Required
Learning AimAssessor
Unit SummaryAssessor

Examples of each call can be found below:

Change Default Assessor

POST /api/v2.1/User/{id}

    "DefaultAssessorID": {id}

Assign/Change Default Employer

POST /api/v2.1/User/{id}


    "DefaultEmployerID": {id}

Assign/Change Learning Aim Assessor/IV

POST /api/v2.1/User/{id}/Assign


    "LearnerID": {id},
    "Level": 3,
    "StandardID: {id}

Assign/Change Unit Summary Assessor/IV

POST /api/v2.1/User/{id}/Assign

    "LearnerID": {id},
    "Level": 2,
    "UnitID: {id}

Assign Additional Assessor/IV/Employer/Observer

POST /api/v2.1/User/{id}/Assign

    "LearnerID": {id}
    "Level": 1

Next Guide - Assigning Templates, Standards and Units

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