Eportfolio Mobile App Update

Our newest mobile app update is now available, grab your free download now!

Apple App Store ➡️ OneFile Eportfolio App on the App Store (apple.com)  version 1.0.19

Google Play Store ➡️ OneFile Eportfolio – Apps on Google Play   version 1.0.19

Release notes can be found here.

Important Update

Support for the old OneFile Eportfolio app (yellow icon) ends on 28th February 2025. To avoid losing access or data, please ensure the app has synced, then uninstall it and download the new OneFile Eportfolio app (blue icon) from the Google Play or Apple App Store. 

 Find out more here: OneFile : Important: Action Required - Update to OneFile Eportfolio App

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How do tasks to acknowledge feedback work?

  User Roles

This feature can be used by the following user roles:

  • Centre Managers
  • Lead Internal Quality Assurers
  • Internal Quality Assurers
  • Assessors

Feedback can be left in lots of places in OneFile and is used as a communication tool between users. This feature helps to encourage your users to read feedback and to acknowledge it by completing a task. 

Tasks to read and acknowledge feedback can be sent from the following areas in OneFile:

  • Assessments
  • Assessor Observations
  • Learner Interview
  • Plans
  • Reviews
  • Unit Summaries

To use this feature, click the Create task to acknowledge this feedback checkbox, located below the feedback and comments textbox.


When ticked, the recipient will receive a task and message when the page you are on has been saved/signed.

Once the task has been opened, the user will be able to acknowledge the feedback provided to them by clicking Mark as Read.

Once the button has been ticked, you'll be able to see that the feedback has been acknowledged by the green tick that will appear next to the user's name.


Please note that the terminology used in this article may be different depending on your Centre.

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