Covered in this webinar:
- How to schedule Reviews
- How to complete Reviews
- Managing Review settings
- How to inlcude Employers on a Review
- How to cusotmise Reviews with Forms
- Reporting on Reviews
good afternoon ladies and gentlemen
welcome to another set of onboarding
training webinars
here from onefile my name is jake i'll
be your presenter for today
i'm actually the onboarding project
specialist here at one file
so for those who yet to be introduced to
the onboarding team
we're a new team that's basically put
together to better equip
our users with knowledges and resources
that they need
to effectively use our system so
we've been tasked with building brand
new user guides
written and video and come up with new
ways to basically engage you guys in
terms of
how best to deliver new knowledge
whatever it may be
so before we actually jump in today i
wanted to very quickly take
you guys over to this page now again if
you're not introduced to the onboarding
team you may not have seen this page
either but here is where we are storing
all of the user guides
and video written all the forms that we
create of course all these webinars that
we schedule
and the recordings of such webinars as
okay so just in case you guys want to
visit this page later on i will
drop the url into the chat box
okay but i just wanted to quickly
highlight some of the new webinars that
we have running between now and
as we've recently taken a break from
doing these sessions uh we started
around may
and then towards the end of september we
we didn't reschedule it just so we could
sit back we could review
have a look at all the feedback amend
some of the sessions and create
some new ones so between now and
christmas we've still got running
our center manager sessions both
intermediate and advanced
we've still got a session that focuses
on reporting with one file
for tutors we now have the full range of
training sessions from foundation
intermediate and advanced
new ones to highlight underneath
features and products will probably be
individual learning plans
progress reviews and then we've gone
ahead and rewritten the teaching and
learning plan
session for other users we've still got
the likes of iqa
learners employers and observers and
we have a brand new type of webinar as
well for advice and
guidance focus on things like planning
your curriculum of intent within one
what's prepared for audit and compliance
and how to prepare
for ofsted with one file
okay so please do have a look at some of
these sessions and we'd love for you all
jump on as many as you possibly can
okay but today progress reviews this is
actually a new session
we we very much include progressively
using other uh user role sessions that
we have
and but we've realized we didn't really
have one that focused solely on that and
we were beginning to get a few questions
this time around we've gone ahead and
designed a webinar around this
subject alone before we jump in though
there's some housekeeping to get out of
the way first
so somewhere on your screen right now
usually anchored right so there should
be a go to webinar panel
a couple of features on this panel but
one that may interest you the most
is questions so if at any point
throughout today's session you do have
any questions comments or concerns and
please do feel free to pop it into the
questions box
however it will be the end of the
session to which we have a look at those
as for today's session probably on for
around 20 to 25 minutes and then any
time you have left over at the end there
will be used to answer your
questions and finally we do also have
feedback survey so at the end of today's
whether you guys uh leave whether i end
it from my side you should be presented
with a feedback survey in your usual
internet browser
and we would greatly appreciate if you
could take the time to complete that
survey shouldn't take you more than 30
seconds there's only around five
multiple choice questions
but yeah like i said it will really be
okay let me just double check make sure
that everything's working okay from this
side and then we'll go ahead and jump
into today's session
okay so progress reviews
what is it that we'll be covering in
today's webinar
so during this session we will look to
cover how to schedule progress reviews
and of course how to complete them
we'll then go into some more um
or customizable options rather with
managing your review settings
how to get your employers included on
the review in terms of one file that is
and how they can actually
have a signature required and then how
to customize
reviews using the custom forms feature
within the system
then finally if this time we'll have a
look at a few reports
that we have based around reviews
okay so let's get rid of the
presentation and jump into today's
okay so we're just going to fix a few
user rules today we're going to
begin from a tutor point of view and
we're going to go in and have a look at
the the sort of the default function
well what's already there out of the box
as soon as you guys
i suppose get up and running so we've
jumped in as our tutor
we're going to scroll down we're going
to jump into one of our learn's
portfolios here
i think it's a mr michael jacobs
and the review button is one of the
three main functions that you can see
on the learner's portfolio okay we've
got likes of plans
assessments and reviews
by selecting reviews it will take you to
a page that looks something like this so
perhaps if you've started
i only just started then perhaps there
won't be so many entries like there is
with myself here
but what this page is is basically where
you can go ahead and schedule all your
okay so you could use this section at
the top to pop in what
dates the review's been completed okay
we will actually go and have a look
at the main review page let's go ahead
and put in today's date
which is about the 13th pop some time in
there as well
and let's say this has been done as a
remote session you can say whether it's
face-to-face but if you do choose
face-to-face you will have to put a
and just so the system can then report
on that information
okay i'm gonna go ahead and schedule and
what it does by a schedule and it adds a
new row to this table
underneath when it comes to this actual
table you can see we've got several rows
here and each row
is a progress review okay and we can see
the sort of
the deviation there within that first
column after the dates and then each
of these columns are actual units that
have been assigned to this
learner now i should mention because
hosting today from my practice center um
the practice server doesn't quite
update this particular page as well as
it probably should so it will again look
different when you guys begin to fill
this table out
what this table will actually show is
underneath each unit is we should see a
sort of a low percentage perhaps in
those earlier sessions and
those early reviews but as the learner
sort of works their way through
their program and their progress
obviously um increases
with each passing review and reach
passing activity and learning
and then we're actually looking for
these percentages to increase over time
so as it goes down
the table we're looking for that
percentage to increase
okay if we just go to the right inside
like i said this demo sensor that's why
we've got so many units and things
uh constantly jumping into my learners
and messing around
and probably changing settings that i we
wouldn't advise you guys to do a few
using a live server shall we say
but on the other side of the table it
lets us know
uh who has signed it who's the last
person to sign this using the green box
we can see
l there for learners to let you know the
review has been signed by the learner
a's to let you know that he's been
signed by the assessor or tutor however
you refer to
as your mentors there okay we can see
the status of each of these reviews as
i'm going to go ahead and start this new
one that we've just scheduled we want to
go ahead and have a look at the
the default page really what what do we
give you guys out of the box
for the progress review page
okay so we've just opened that review
that we've just scheduled
okay so this hasn't been worked on as of
you can see we've got the actual data in
this little review section that's just
in case that the review was done on a
different day to what you originally
you can change the actual date to today
again it just helps for audits and
reports later down the line
okay now i will mention that some of
what we
see on this page today can be either
removed or customized
i won't be going into detail about that
until we've gone through this page at
once okay i want to separate what's
available as a default and then what we
can do to customize so everything here
is like said is this is how the out the
okay so we can see the off the job
progression between reviews which is
actually a new
um section for the review page i think
it came down in the recent update last
thursday okay so we can see the change
since the last review
uh of course because this feature wasn't
here last time we did a review for this
learner there was nothing in there at
the moment but hopefully next review
that should
complete and fill in we can see the unit
progression between reviews so again
just highlighting each unit that the
learner has assigned to them their
current progress anticipated completion
date and if there's been any change
since the last review
we can see the achievements between
reviews so this is actual activities and
and units signed off so we could jump
into any one of these activities and
assessments if we wish to if we wanted
to do something like spot check or
discuss any of these
activities further with the learner we
have a section to leave
reviews for individual units
just case of selecting the unit from the
drop down you can enter new review
and on the right hand side and you can
begin to review other units
we have a box for the blanket review
flag the review for all units
we have an area for attachments we have
lots of our centers uh recording their
review sessions
therefore the tutors don't then have to
write up the minutes uh later in the
week so to speak
and then at the bottom we have the likes
feedback and comments
okay when this gets into the learner to
sign the learner will also have their
own feedback and comments box
an area to record any agreed actions
and at the very bottom we have the
declaration so it's asking for learners
and tutors signature there
okay it always highlights the role that
you need to pay attention to
so you can go ahead and save sign and
save that of course we're not actually
reviewed here so we won't we won't save
that one
okay i'm sure that would come up on
reports first center managers
so this is the the basic review
page like i said this is what you get
out of the box but you don't have to
necessarily use
that page or use that page in its
current form we do
allow you to actually customize the
progress of your page
in various different ways okay so that's
the default
review we're actually going to leave the
tutors now we're going to jump into our
center managers
um it's usually the center manager that
does a lot of this admin work in terms
of customizing center settings
um setting up templates things like that
so i thought best to
split today's session up into those two
sections of the default and then what we
can customize
so we've jumped in as our center manager
now there's a lot of things we can
customize for the review just through
your center
settings option so with my center
manager account i'm going to
head over to center and then we should
have an icon called settings
okay and if you've been on this page if
you have access and dementia account at
you'll probably realize how large this
page is i'd always recommend if you know
a word or if you know the section or
even a keyword of what it is that you're
looking for
use ctrl f for those who've not noticed
the little search bars are popped
up the top right corner of my screen and
that isn't a one final thing
okay you'll find that on any internet
browser but if control f
you can then sort of search the page and
so if we go ahead and type in review
you get a couple options that jump up
here i'll try to jump through these
and talk through some of these with you
okay so the first one that's popped up
here is a learner status which basically
allows tutors to set the likes of the
learner status
during an assessment plan or a review
usually this can only be done through
the learners episode page
this is the actual review section the
area did want to show you guys
and what we can basically do here is we
can determine
first of all how often your reviews
actually take place
okay now if you've done the move
recently from um
old style frameworks to apprenticeship
standards and that may have changed with
you guys uh you might have um
increased that time of when you want
those reviews to be done but basically
what this will do
is if a review has not been scheduled
um within that sort of duration 12 weeks
in my instance if one was not scheduled
at all
during the 12 weeks then the system will
itself still set a reminder
it will still sort of highlight that
learner's review date as read to let you
know that there is you know
there is a an overdue date so to speak
even though one hasn't been scheduled
okay so we can change the frequency of
that um using this little box here
and we can also switch that off as well
okay so basically what it's saying is
that it won't automatically give that
date you can switch it off
and then it will only be down to when
you guys schedule it
the one underneath is quite important as
well we will be touching more upon this
um later on as well it's employer
signature required
okay so again for those who are
certainly who's moved on to the new
you probably found that you're having to
get your employers much more engaged now
into the delivery and one of the ways
um that sensor has been doing this is to
actually have the employer involved in
the progress review stage in fact i
think the pro
the employees have to sign up if they're
involved um but yes if you
want your employees to interact with
your one file system as well
you can actually create them a user
account and but if you want that
encounter to be a little
more interactive in regards to signing
learners um reviews then you want that
ticked okay also got another criteria in
the box the default employer must be
for each learner
underneath we can then actually
customize some of those default
sections or switch them off basically
okay so we went through each default
um just a moment ago so we did see some
of these things but you could actually
say okay we don't want a lot of this
agreed action we've done something else
to capture that
uh review for individual units and all
alert units i don't want to document
in a text box i want them to record it
and attach the recordings instead
okay whatever it is that you guys um
sort of do for your review now or have
you'd like to do your review moving
if none of our default sections suit
your delivery then you can go ahead and
switch them off in here and just bear in
mind that we'll switch off for all
learners on your center
okay let's carry on having a look
through the settings here for particular
reviews i think the last thing to
mention really
is the terminology okay so we've just
been taken to the terminology table
within the
settings page you can actually change
the name of the
review itself okay so if you don't call
them reviews uh whether you want to call
it your milestones
meeting you you sort of stretch
um i had a lot of people just change it
to progress review itself
rather than review but again it's
completely up to you guys again it's
your center managers that can customize
it and give the
actual icon and any reference of the
word review within one file
to a completely different word
okay i think that was all going to
mention within the center settings that
i'll just quickly jump to a few of those
um using that control f up there okay so
there's a few center settings on how you
can actually drastically change how that
review page looks not
just center settings though there's
still much more we can do even at this
stage say if we have
say switched everything off from that
review page from those settings there
we've switched the employees on because
we want those guys to be involved we've
changed the
frequency of how quickly reviews need to
be done but we've switched off all those
default fields
which principle which would leave us was
quite a blank page not much going on
but there's still something else that
sensor managers can do to customize
those review pages and that is through
custom forms
okay so hopefully some of you guys will
be um aware maybe even proficient
and with the form builder within one
in which case you may already know but
for others
what the custom form feature allows you
to do is allows you to
create forms to capture additional
within one file information that one
file doesn't ask for as a default
what we can do or where we can publish
those forms is basically in several
different areas across one file not only
can just
have it as a form standard learner's
portfolio but we can use
those forms to add additional fields the
learner review
is one of those pages we can add
additional fields
so we're not going to actually create a
form today we do try to focus more on
the review side itself
um but there's a few things a few forms
i have as an example here
okay that i thought might be good to
show uh such i think it's this one we'll
have a look at this one here the
apprenticeship progress review and by
the way all the forms of my center
they've all just been created by
either myself or other admins here at
one file um
yeah there's nothing here again that
kind of comes out of the box i've
created all
these okay so this looks like it's a
for the likes of agreed action let's
just go ahead and preview this form to
see what it would actually look like for
the learners
okay so we've got section two here for
agreed actions so this is where we're
talking about smart targets we've just
created a couple of fields to
document uh targets in regards to
workplace knowledge
uh functional skills and any other any
other actions such as soft skills
we've built another section here for
your rights and responsibilities
okay where we get to sort of pick a
topic each time whether it be equality
safeguard and prevent
british values and support and feedback
okay so let's jump back to the
form list there oh it went back too much
if i
open the back up apologies if you have a
look at the publish options rather
okay for that form we just looked at for
the agreed actions we can see it's been
under learner review for the tutor to
complete always bear in mind the
username in these brackets is who needs
to complete that form and so in this
instance it's complete for
setup for the tutor to complete but we
can also set
fields for the learner to complete and
the employers which of course if you
have that employer
signature setting turned on where
they're required to um
sign off a review and leave feedback
if you were to use this form you could
get the employers
to give even more information there such
as magnetic example let's go ahead and
have a look at
another one i should have called
employer feedback from there it is you
can see this one's been published to the
learner review page as well
again we'll preview this one
so this one acts as well a feedback form
for the employees in regards to their
okay looks like he's going through a
sort of a scorecard system where they
sort of rate
each of these areas and give some
positive feedback in areas of
so we have a couple of these forms
assigned to
the progress review page and i have
already gone through the sort of liberty
of assigning these to the actual
learners don't forget just because
you've created a form it doesn't
necessarily mean that every learner has
access to it
you do have to assign it to the learner
using the buttons on the right hand side
but okay let's leave the center managers
account now because like i said i've
already assigned these to a learner
so let's go ahead jump back in as a
tutor and have a look at what that
customized review page
now looks like
okay we'll be jumping into a different
let's jump into his review we'll
schedule a brand new one
for today
we'll go ahead and start this
okay so this we should find now a few
differences on this particular review
page it should be a lot more
comprehensive because we've added
several forms
asking information from pretty much
everyone both tutors and employers
we didn't actually switch any of those
default sections off either so we should
still have them here
we can see the off the job progression
yeah we've got the unit progression
between reviews
achievements between reviews review for
individual units and all units
any attachments and then we can see that
we've come in onto
the custom form that we were having a
look at not a moment
ago okay so now we can set the likes of
smart targets within our review
now we can have our discussions about
your rights responsibilities and record
that discussion all the details and
points about that discussion within
our review and we can talk about the
support and feedback
but not only that once the tutors and
learners have signed it off
this particular review will then get
sent to the employers because they have
an area of the
page to fill out now as well for their
employer feedback farm
okay we're getting some additional ones
in here as well perhaps others i forgot
i had a sound such as more prevent and
safeguarding and then we come back to
the usual fields
of feedback and comments agreed actions
and decorations and you may notice on
this particular decorations
at the very bottom there we have one for
employers as well because we had
that setting switched on within our
center settings
okay so that's pretty much been most of
the things we wanted to show today in
regards to reviews and but there's a
couple of reports as well that i thought
would be quite useful
to highlight to you guys
okay so we'll stay in as our tutor here
and we'll jump into the
reports suite through the left-hand menu
okay and the few that i wanted to point
out are underneath learners
learner reports and we have these three
reviews here with the green ticks we've
got reviews outstanding
reviews overdue and then just reviews
again it should be fairly
self-explanatory in terms of what each
report does here but let's just jump
into them anyway just so we can get a
good glance
okay so you do have to define your
filters before the report generates and
so let's
go ahead and choose well i'm going to
say show all for class
and then it'll show all the outstanding
and if it's a review that has actually
been signed off then they may
in fact found itself on this report and
there may be someone who's yet to
actually signed off
okay so we can see here we've got
reviews a couple of views here for mr
and when the date should have gone when
the review should have gone ahead
the cheater they're assigned has the
choose to signed it yet
no has the learner signed it yet known
in these instances
and you can see it's been started
waiting for tutor or created waited for
due to start
okay so it's a really quick report there
where you guys can sort of monitor what
reviews you have outstanding and you can
export this to spreadsheet formats as
as you can always do with one files
reports and just to have a look at the
others as well
okay like reviews overdue
and within the filters here you can
actually define and say actually i only
want to have a look at the ones that are
by up to four weeks
okay it'll give you the dates exact
dates of when you have scheduled
to complete that particular review
okay and then finally the actual reviews
probably is quite self-explanatory at
this stage but this will just show you a
big list of all
the reviews that you have been involved
again we can always export this to
spreadsheet formats you can drill down
further using the filters at the top
as well and things like completion dates
and defining value placements class
report groups or archived learners
okay guys that is everything we had to
show today
for progress reviews or at least an
introduction to those the default one
what we get out the box
how we can actually customize that to
then actually match
our delivery okay so we'll have a look
at some questions in just a moment so if
you haven't already please do begin
preparing those
if everyone else isn't sticking around
thank you very much for attending this
i do hope it's been somewhat useful uh
seeing how
the review function does work within one
file and perhaps so you can report on it
or even you wasn't too sure on how to
customize those
hopefully now it's giving you a bit of a
better idea okay so i hope to see
on more webinars in the future and i'll
be back in just a few moments to answer
your questions
bye for now