When using the data export or integrating with our API, several of the files or endpoints reference a "StatusID" or a lookup value. This guide provides a list of the most popular IDs and a description of what the IDs correlate to.
Group/Role ID
ID | Description |
1 | Learner |
2 | Archived Learner |
4 | Trainee Assessor |
5 | Assessor |
10 | IV |
11 | Lead IV |
40 | Employer |
45 | Observer |
50 | EQA |
60 | Centre Monitor |
62 | User Manager |
65 | Centre Manager |
ID | Description |
31 | White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British |
32 | White - Irish |
33 | White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller |
34 | White - any other White background |
35 | Mixed - White and Black Caribbean |
36 | Mixed - White and Black African |
37 | Mixed - White and Asian |
38 | Mixed - any other Mixed background |
39 | Asian or Asian British / Indian |
40 | Asian or Asian British / Pakistani |
41 | Asian or Asian British / Bangladeshi |
42 | Asian or Asian British / Chinese |
43 | Asian or Asian British / any other Asian background |
44 | Black or Black British / African |
45 | Black or Black British / Caribbean |
46 | Black or Black British / any other Black/African/Caribbean background |
47 | Arab |
98 | Any other |
99 | Not known/not provided |
ID | Description |
9 | Not known |
F | Female |
M | Male |
ID | Description |
1 | Does consider to have |
2 | Does not consider |
9 | No information provided by the learner |
ID | Description |
1 | Visual impairment |
2 | Hearing impairment |
3 | Disability affecting mobility |
4 | Other physical disability |
5 | Other medical condition (for example epilepsy, asthma, diabetes) |
6 | Emotional/behavioural difficulties |
7 | Mental health difficulty |
8 | Temporary disability after illness (for example post-viral) or accident |
9 | Profound complex disabilities |
10 | Aspergers syndrome |
90 | Multiple disabilities |
97 | Other |
98 | No disability |
99 | Not known/information not provided |
ID | Description |
1 | Moderate learning difficulty |
2 | Severe learning difficulty |
10 | Dyslexia |
11 | Dyscalculia |
19 | Other specific learning difficulty |
20 | Autism spectrum disorder |
90 | Multiple learning difficulties |
97 | Other |
98 | No learning difficulty |
99 | Not known/information not provided |
Unit Summary
ID | Description |
0 | 0-99%, Pending |
1 | 100%, pending Learner Signature |
4 | 100%, pending Trainee Assessor Signature |
5 | 100%, pending Assessor Signature |
6 | 100%, pending Second Line Assessor Signature |
8 | 100%, pending IV Signature |
9 | 100%, pending Second Line IV Signature |
10 | 100%, signed by IV (or Signed-off) |
ID | Description |
0 | Plan Template |
1 | Signed by Assessor, Pending Learner Signature |
5 | Started by Assessor |
8 | Signed by Learner, Pending IV Signature |
10 | Signed by IV |
ID | Description |
1 | Pending Learner Signature |
2 | Assessment Template |
3 | Pending Employer Signature |
4 | Pending Trainee Assessor Signature |
5 | Pending Assessor Signature |
6 | Signed by Second Line Assessor, Pending IV Signature |
8 | Signed by Assessor, Pending IV Signature |
9 | Signed by the Second Line IV |
10 | Signed by the IV |
ID | Description |
1 | Scheduled |
2 | Started |
3 | Signed by Assessor |
4 | Signed by Learner |
5 | Signed by Employer |
Visit Type
ID | Description |
1 | Not Specified |
2 | Remote Session |
3 | Face-to-face |