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How does the Skills Forward integration work?

Once the Skills Forward integration has been enabled and activated by Skills Forward, you'll need to wait up to 24 hours (or overnight) for OneFile to download all of the user data from Skills Forward.

When new learners are found, OneFile will automatically match the learners in both systems, where the email address or National Insurance Number in both systems match. 


The Learners email address within OneFile must be verified for the match to take place if the NINO hasn't been added to the Learner Episode.

When a learner is matched, their assessment data will be instantly be displayed on the Skills Forward page of the learner's portfolio, as well as an option to log into Skills Forward, as show below:

The table below explains all of the automated processed and their frequency.

Get Skills Forward Users
Find new users or updated to users on Skills Forward and syncs thier information to OneFile
Once a day (Overnight)
Match Skills Forward Users
Automatically matches users in both systems, where the email address or National Insurance Number in both systems are identical
Every hour
Get Skills Forward Assessments
Imports new assessment results and updates to existing assessments from Skills Forward
Every minute

For diagnostic purposes, a new report titled "Skills Forward Unmatched" has been added to the Diagnostics section of the Centre Managers report page.

The first section of the report shows all OneFile learners that haven't been matched to a learner in Skills Forward. The second section of the report shows all Skills Forward learners that haven't been matched to a learner in OneFile. 

To instigate a match, you must add/change the email address or National Insurance number of the learner on one of the two systems, so that they are identical. If the email address or National Insurance Number is changed in Skills Forward, it will require another "Get Skills Forward Users" overnight update for this to be picked up in OneFile. If the email address or National Insurance Number  is changed in OneFile, the match will be picked up in the next "Match Skills Forward Users" hourly update.

Multiple Centre

The integration does work for customers who have multiple OneFile centres. When this is the case, enter the same API Key and API Token when enabling the integration.

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