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Assign a Sampling Policy

  User Roles

This feature can be used by the following user roles:

  • Centre Manager
  • Lead Internal Quality Assurer 
  • Internal Quality Assurer


Can assign sampling policies

To assign a sampling policy, click on the Sampling Policies icon or link. If a sampling policy has already been created, you will automatically be taken to the Assign Sampling Policies page. 

On the Assign Sampling Policies page, you will see a list of Assessors that you are linked to. To assign a sampling policy, follow the steps below:

  1. Tick the boxes of the Assessor(s) you want to assign the policy to
  2. Select the sampling policy from the drop-down list
  3. Click Assign

Once the sampling policy has been assigned to the Assessor, you will be able to see if the policy is compliant.

If a sampling plan already exists, you will be able to see if the existing plan is compliant or not. The planned sampling can be manually edited by the IV and the Compliancy column will turn green once the required amount of sampling has been planned. 

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