Scheduled Maintenance - Saturday 28th December 2024 7am - 8am

We will be migrating and upgrading our primary database server on Saturday 28th December 2024. This will require a maintenance window, during which services will be temporarily unavailable.

Click here for more information.

Please ensure your data is saved and you are logged out before 7am on 28th December. 

Software Update: Thursday 12th December 2024

On Thursday, we're updating OneFile Events and Enrol, to introduce some new enhancements and fixes.

Release notes can be found here.

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Software Update - Tracker: Monday 29th April 2024

Employer Levy Status

We have introduced the ability to record the levy status of Employers, which should be a particular help to providers in identifying learners where co-investment payments are likely to be required.

This field is called Levy Status and can be saved on both Registered Office and Single Organisation Employer types. If you record this information on a Registered Office record, this will be available for all learners who are attached to associated Branch Offices.

If you would like to discuss this feature and the reporting aspect in more detail, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us and we will be happy to go through the feature with you.

Terminology Update

We have updated a number of field labels to be more consistent with ESFA terminology and provide clarity on certain functions. This has not altered system functionality but should make discussing system functions more straightforward with all Tracker users.

Report Creator

As part of our terminology update, we wanted to draw specific attention to changes we have made to our Report Creator. Following feedback from a number of both existing and new customers, we have made the following changes to the labels that are used to navigate to the different Report Creator sections;

Old Menu Structure;

  • Reports
    • Report Creator
    • New Report

New Menu Structure;

  • Report Creator
    • Saved Reports
    • New Report

Apprenticeship Contract Management Report Updates

We have added a new section to the report to highlight learners that are currently at the Gateway stage. These learners had not previously been included in the criteria of any other sections, so we wanted to provide visibility of these learners that are not in active learning, but need to be managed through to their End Point Assessment.

Employment Status Record

Updates to the Employment Status History record streamline data entry and enhance data visibility for learners, particularly those that have changed Employer during their learning.

Eportfolio Integration Enhancements

We have enhanced the dataset that can be sent from Tracker to Eportfolio to now include specific Learning Difficulty and Disability information, as well as enhanced Off-the-Job Training data.

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