Scheduled Maintenance - Saturday 28th December 2024 7am - 8am

We will be migrating and upgrading our primary database server on Saturday 28th December 2024. This will require a maintenance window, during which services will be temporarily unavailable.

Click here for more information.

Please ensure your data is saved and you are logged out before 7am on 28th December. 

Software Update: Thursday 12th December 2024

On Thursday, we're updating OneFile Events and Enrol, to introduce some new enhancements and fixes.

Release notes can be found here.

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Software Update: Wednesday 26th January 2022 - 07:00-07:30

On Wednesday morning, we're updating OneFile to release some new features, improvements and fixes:  



  • We've updated the design, copy and interface on the ILR Learner Delivery page to make it easier for you to navigate between Current, Inactive and Archived programmes. 


  • We've made some permissions tweaks for centre managers. Centre managers now have permission to configure the navigation bar via custom navigation settings. You'll notice that there are now 'Custom navigation settings' available within the Centre details page.
  • We've resolved an issue which was stopping a user from adding and setting a column to the Learner View report. Now when a user is adding a column to the report, the added columns can be set successfully. This means users can then apply filters to the report and the desired columns will display. 



  • Learner Funding and Monitoring was appearing as a mandatory field, causing an error when records were marked as ready. We've fixed the issue and the field is no longer mandatory.

  • There's now a success notification when a learner has been transferred from Enrol to ILR.

  • The <OUTCOME> tag is now appearing as it should within the Programme aim section of the XML file.


  • We've implemented a fix that now ensures Provider ID will be returned when a user is making a GET request to api/v2.1/User.
  • We've  improved the user experience for assessors when adding annotations to signed assessment. Now when an assessor highlights text in the evidence field, they won't lose annotations if they click 'Add message attachment' when adding an annotation. The applied annotations will still apply in this scenario and no annotations will be lost.
  • We've  implemented a fix that means centre monitors can only see assigned learners in a class. When clicking on Users and Learners, a centre monitor will only see the subset of learners assigned to them, rather than an entire class of learners
  • We've  fixed a bug whereby assessors were wrongly receiving tasks and messages for learners not assigned to them. This has now been resolved, meaning assessors will only see relevant notifications in relation to learners assigned to them.

  These changes aren't guaranteed to be included in this update.  Any changes to the above planned updates will be communicated in this thread! 

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