Scheduled Maintenance - Saturday 28th December 2024 7am - 8am

We will be migrating and upgrading our primary database server on Saturday 28th December 2024. This will require a maintenance window, during which services will be temporarily unavailable.

Click here for more information.

Please ensure your data is saved and you are logged out before 7am on 28th December. 

Software Update: Thursday 12th December 2024

On Thursday, we're updating OneFile Events and Enrol, to introduce some new enhancements and fixes.

Release notes can be found here.

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Software Update: Tuesday 6th September 2022 7am - 7:30am

On Tuesday Morning, we're updating OneFile  to release some new features and improvements:



• Off The Job Report -  The Off-The-Job report has been updated to include the new OTJ fields; Method of Calculating Min OTJ, Planned OTJ (Hrs), Minimum OTJ (Hrs), Duration (Wks) and % of Planned OTJ. 

• Add ULN Number Column to Notes Reports -  The ULN column has been added to the Notes report 

• Decimal Scores are removed when BKSB data is added to the ILP -  The decimal scores for BKSB are being removed when BKSB data is added to the ILP


• View list of Archived Learners/programmes -  Users can now see archived learners within the Admin section. 



•Access Accounts page broken for customers with thousands of employers due to the UI/Design and volume of users -  Changes have been made to the Access Accounts tab of the Learner Details page. These changes have been made to improve performance when a centre has a large number of employers. The Employer grid now only shows employers that have been allocated to the learner. Clicking the Assign Employer button will open the Assign Employer panel. Employers can then be allocated or removed by clicking the Add and Remove buttons. The Default Employer drop down now only contains the employers assigned to the learner. 


• ILR Warning: “Unable to save this contract record: the date applies to should not be after the Learning planned end date” – Validation fixed so that it is now possible to add an ‘Apprenticeship Contract Type’ (ACT) entry when the end date is set after the Programme’s planned end date.

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