Scheduled Maintenance - Saturday 28th December 2024 7am - 8am

We will be migrating and upgrading our primary database server on Saturday 28th December 2024. This will require a maintenance window, during which services will be temporarily unavailable.

Click here for more information.

Please ensure your data is saved and you are logged out before 7am on 28th December. 

Software Update: Thursday 12th December 2024

On Thursday, we're updating OneFile Events and Enrol, to introduce some new enhancements and fixes.

Release notes can be found here.

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Software Update: Wednesday 10th August 2022 7am - 7:30am

On Wednesday morning, we're updating OneFile to release some new features and improvements:



• Off-The-Job Timesheet Progress:  The ESFA have announced that the minimum 20% off-the-job training rule has changed to a consistent figure of six hours per week for learners starting from 1st August 2022. To reflect this, we have made some changes to how the Off The Job target is calculated and how Off The Job training progress is measured.
The changes we have made in Eportfolio will only apply to learners that have an Episode start date on or after the 1st of August 2022. Learners with an earlier start date will see no changes and will continue to have their OTJ target calculated based on the 20% rule.
The OTJ progress of Learners that have an Episode start date from the 1st August 2022 will be measured as the Percentage of their Planned Off-The-Job training that they have completed.
As well as the learner’s progress, the system will display the Minimum OTJ hours that the learner must complete in order to be eligible for ESFA funding.
This is calculated by subtracting the leave entitlement from the duration and multiplying it by the 6 hours per week.
This information is displayed in the Off-The-Job panel on the Timesheets page.
From here you will see; the Planned OTJ hours, the duration in weeks, the Actual Off-The-Job Hours, the percentage of the planned OTJ completed, and the minimum Off-The-Job hours.
To calculate these values, you will need to enter the learner's Planned Off-The-Job hours, the Duration in weeks, and their Contractual hours per week. The Total Contracted Hours no longer needs to be entered for these learners.
The Leave Entitlement will default to 5.6 weeks and the minimum hours per week will default to 6.
When the changes are released any learners already in E Portfolio with a start date on or after the 1st of August will be moved to the new method of tracking OTJ training.

• Off-The-Job API Changes: The existing "GetOffTheJobData" API endpoint has been updated to also return the new OTJ fields. A new endpoint "UpdatePlannedOffTheJob" has been created that will allow you to set a learner's Planned Off-The-Job hours, Duration in weeks, and Contractual hours per week. 

• Off-The-Job ILP Snapshot :  In order to include the new Off-the-job information in your ILP templates, we have created a new Off-The-Job field, called Off-The-Job Summary (22/23).
If you wish to use the same template for all learners starting before and after the 1st of August, then we recommend adding both the original and the new field to your template. 

• Off-The-Job - Progression Between Reviews: In Reviews the information shown in the Off-The-Job Progression between reviews, will reflect the method of tracking the OTJ for that learner. The new fields will be shown for learners starting from the 1st of August. 

• Off-The-Job - My Portfolio:  Percentage of Planned OTJ is now displayed on the My Portfolio page for learners that start on or after 1st August 2022 

• Off-The-Job - Learner Reports:  The new OTJ fields have been added to the list of available columns in the learner database reports. A new column that indicates the method of calculating the OTJ for each learner is also available. The columns that are not used for a learner’s method of calculating OTJ will be empty in the report. 


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