Eportfolio Mobile App Update - Version 1.0.13

Our newest mobile app update is now available, Grab your free download now!

Apple App Store ➡️ OneFile Eportfolio App on the App Store (apple.com) 

Google Play Store ➡️ OneFile Eportfolio – Apps on Google Play 

Scheduled Maintenance - Saturday, 9th November 2024 7am - 11am

We will be migrating and upgrading our primary database server on Saturday, 9th November 2024. This will require a maintenance window, during which services will be temporarily unavailable.

Click here for more information.

Please ensure your data is saved and you are logged out before 7am on 9th November. 

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Feature change alert - Keychain

We've listened to your feedback and we've made some changes to the user experience when using Keychain and logging out of EPortfolio.


We've changed how the settings appear to allow all management of information and additional support appears on the same navigation bar like below:

Log out

We've added a logout button to the user My Account tab to enable users to easily log out of their keychain. 

My accounts will navigate the user back to their Keychain where they can access all their accounts and keychain management

Switch Account will allow the user to easily log into another account on their keychain without going back to the keychain page

Log out will log the user out of all their accounts and keychain 

These changes were released on 09/10/2024.

Please email [email protected] with any questions or feedback.

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